Orland Park History Museum - Special Use Permit, Rezoning, Plat of Subdivision
Orland Park History Museum
Village of Orland Park
The petitioner is requesting a special use permit to locate the Orland Park History Museum at the Old Village Hall. The petitioner also requests the rezoning and consolidation of parcels on and adjoining the proposed museum location.
Requested Actions: Special Use Permit, Rezoning, Plat of Subdivision
Project Attributes
Address: 14415 Beacon Avenue, 14427 Beacon Avenue, 9740 Ravinia Court, 9750 Ravinia Court and 9761 Ravinia Lane
P.I.N.(s): 27-09-208-025-0000, 27-09-208-047-0000, 27-09-213-044-0000, 27-09-213-024-0000 and 27-09-213-027-0000
14415 Beacon Avenue - 12,369 sf (0.28 acres)
14427 Beacon Avenue - 8,612 sf (0.20 acres)
TOTAL = 20,981 sf (0.48 acres)
9740 Ravinia Court - 42,073 sf (.97 acres)
9750 Ravinia Court - 2,966 sf (.07 acres)
9761 Ravinia Lane - 47,712 sf (1.10 acres)
TOTAL = 82,751 sf (1.90 acres)
Comprehensive Plan Planning District: Downtown Planning District
Comprehensive Land Designation: Neighborhood Mixed Use
Existing Zoning: OOH Old Orland Historic District
Existing Land Use: Government
Proposed Land Use: Museum / Government
Surrounding Land Use:
North: OOH Old Orland Historic District - Single Family Residential
South: OOH Old Orland Historic District - Government Use (Garage)
East: OL Open Lands District - Frontier Park; VCD Village Center District - Parking Lot
West: OOH Old Orland Historic District - (across Beacon Avenue) Museum (Humphrey House)
The petitioner is requesting to locate the Orland Park History Museum (OPHM) at 14415 Beacon Avenue, the Old Village Hall Building. The property is located in the OOH Old Orland Historic District. Museums are considered special uses in all areas of the district and are required to obtain Special Use approval (Section 6-209.B). The museum will share the building with the Village’s Building Maintenance Division, with approximately two-thirds of the building occupied by the Museum (4,800 sf), and one-third by Building Maintenance (2,200 sf). The Museum will occupy the north and south wings of the building, with Building Maintenance in the middle section.
The proposed museum will be consistent with the character of the immediate vicinity of the subject property. The surrounding uses include the Humphrey House Museum operated by the Orland Historical Society to the west, Frontier Park to the east, and single family residential homes to the north and south. There is also a mix of small businesses to the north along Beacon Avenue.
Permission is also requested to allow two (2) Village-owned parcels, 9761 Ravinia Lane and 9740 Ravinia Court, to be rezoned from VCD Village Center District to OL Open Lands District to match the zoning of the adjacent Pioneer Park. Once rezoned, these two (2) parcels would match the zoning of the adjacent Pioneer Park, allowing these parcels to then be consolidated.
Additionally, permission is requested for the approval of a Plat of Consolidation, which reflects the consolidation of three (3) parcels, 9761 Ravinia Lane, 9740 Ravinia Court and 9750 Ravinia Court, into one (1) parcel with parcel information 9750 Ravinia Court. These three (3) parcels include Pioneer Park and two (2) adjacent parking lots. This consolidation creates a contiguous park / parking lot scenario.
This same Plat of Consolidation also reflects the consolidation of two (2) parcels, 14415 Beacon Avenue, which is where the Old Village Hall / OPHM building is located, and 14427 Beacon Avenue, into one (1) parcel with parcel information 14415 Beacon Avenue.
As a note of clarification, two (2) properties in Orland Park have the address 9761 Ravinia Ln. The 9761 Ravinia Ln with the PIN 27-09-213-027-0000, adjacent to the 14415 Beacon Avenue address, which is triangular and is only occupied by an asphalt parking lot, is the 9761 Ravinia Ln that is referred to in this petition. This petition makes no reference nor implies any change, update or modification to 9761 Ravinia Ln, PIN 27-09-213-034-0000.
This petitioner has not requested any variances/modifications for this project.
The recommendation motion includes the following conditions:
1) Meet all final engineering and building code related items.
2) Submit a sign permit application to the Building Division for separate review.
3) Install at minimum one (1) new ADA compliant parking space and five (5) bicycle parking spaces within close proximity to the Old Village Hall building.
4) Update existing garbage enclosure to comply with current Land Development Code regulations.
Overall, the project conforms to the Village’s Comprehensive Plan, Land Development Codes and policies for this area.
On March 22, 2016, the Plan Commission, by a vote of 6-0, moved to recommend to the Village to approve the special use permit for the Orland Park History Museum and the plat of consolidation and rezoning of the Village-owned parcels related to the Orland Park History Museum project, as fully referenced below.
On March 22, 2016, a public hearing was held before the Plan Commission, but no members of the public spoke. All six (6) Commissioners in attendance had a positive response to and spoke in support of the project. Orland Park History Museum representatives were in the audience and available for questions. The motion passed unanimously 6 - 0.
On April 18, 2016, this item was reviewed by the Development Services Planning and Engineering Committee, recommended for approval and referred to the Village Board of Trustees for consideration.
This agenda item is being considered by the Development Services, Planning and Engineering and the Village Board of Trustees on the same night.
This case is now before the Village Board of Trustees for consideration.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve the special use permit for the Orland Park History Museum and the plat of consolidation and rezoning of the Village-owned parcels related to this project as recommended at the March 22, 2016 Plan Commission meeting and as fully referenced below.
I move to approve the Special Use Permit for the establishment of a museum at 14415 Beacon Avenue subject to the following conditions:
1) Meet all final engineering and building code related items.
2) Submit a sign permit application to the Building Division for separate review.
3) Install at minimum one (1) new ADA compliant parking space and five (5) bicycle parking spaces within close proximity to the Old Village Hall building.
4) Update existing garbage enclosure to comply with current Land Development Code regulations.
I move to approve the rezoning from VCD Village Center District to OL Open Lands District for the 2.1 Acre lot east of the Old Village Hall, located at 9750 Ravinia Court, subject to the same conditions outlined above.
I move to approve the lot consolidation of 9761 Ravinia Lane, 9740 Ravinia Court and 9750 Ravinia Court as depicted in the proposed plat titled “Plat of Consolidation” prepared by Thomson Surveying, Ltd. and dated 02/23/2016, subject to the following condition:
1) Submit a Record Plat of Consolidation to the Village for recording.
I move to approve the lot consolidation of 14415 Beacon Avenue and 14427 Beacon Avenue as depicted in the proposed plat titled “Plat of Consolidation” prepared by Thomson Surveying, Ltd. and dated 02/23/2016, subject to the following condition:
1) Submit a Record Plat of Consolidation to the Village for recording.