LaGrange Road Enhancements - Construction Management/Implementation Funding
As part of the Village's FY 2014 budget, $3,500,000 was budgeted and approved to be utilized for construction of the LaGrange Road aesthetic enhancements through an At-Risk Construction Management delivery method. The Village enhancements include brick paver sidewalks, irrigation, stone/brick monuments, stone/brick columns, decorative fencing, various plantings and decorative store/brick median walls. To date approximately $250,000 has been spent coordinating and implementing the construction of enhancement wall foundations along the east side of LaGrange Road. Village staff, V3, and IDOT continue to coordinate opportunities for the Village to implement enhancements.
Funds for the Village enhancements were budgeted in three fiscal years, 2014 - $3.5M, 2015- $3.5M, and 2016 - $1.88M totaling $8,887,405. It is important to have the necessary funds available for implementation of the enhancements as the LaGrange Road widening project progresses. Attached is an anticipated scope of work for the remainder of 2015 and for 2016. V3 will assemble specific trade bid packages which will be publicly bid and opened. The Village will approve the bid packages which will be billed against the not-to-exceed Construction Management Contract, currently for $3,500,000 with an additional $3,500,000 proposed. The enhancement work anticipated is along the east and west side of LaGrange Road as well as the median.
The LaGrange Road corridor project is a high profile local and regional project. The Village has invested significant resources to deliver a project that is above and beyond the typical IDOT bricks and mortar project. The ability to coordinate and construct the enhancements within the same time frame as IDOT's project schedule with the quality the Village expects is critical to the success of this project.
On June 15, 2015, this item was reviewed by the Development Services Planning and Engineering Committee, recommended for approval and sent to the Village Board of Trustees.
Financial Impact
Funds for this contract, in the amount of $3,500,000, are included in the Village's FY 2015 budget.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve amending the contract with V3 Companies of Woodridge, Illinois by adding $3,500,000 for the construction management and implementation of the LaGrange Road Enhancements utilizing the current At-Risk Construction Manager delivery method.