File #: 2014-0308    Version: 0 Name: Vendor Negotiation for Automated Red Light Enforcement Program
File created: 5/14/2014 In control: Board of Trustees
On agenda: 5/19/2014 Final action: 5/19/2014
Title: Vendor Negotiation for Automated Red Light Enforcement Program
Attachments: 1. Memo, 2. Attachment A - ARLE - Ranking and Reference Check Summary Table, 3. Attachment B - Sample Evaluator Worksheet, 4. Attachment D - Fee Structures, 5. Attachment C - Extension of Redflex Agreement


Vendor Negotiation for Automated Red Light Enforcement Program


Information on the vendor selection process, a timeline and rationale for recommending a vendor for the Village's automated red light enforcement program is provided in the attached memo. Staff recommends seeking the Board's approval to enter into exclusive negotiations with the recommended provider for this program similar to the process used in selecting the waste hauler in 2013. 


The Village of Orland Park intends to contract with the most qualified vendor for a comprehensive and fully integrated, automated red light traffic enforcement program. The successful contractor is expected to deploy traffic safety camera equipment at warranted Village designated intersections. The contracted services shall include all hardware, software, installation, maintenance, operation, and all back office processing of violations.


On January 10th, 2014, the Village published an RFP on the Village website and The SouthtownStar newspaper.  An evaluation committee comprising the Chief of Police, Finance Director, Assistant Village Manager, and Traffic Enforcement Lieutenant was assembled to evaluate the process.  A detailed description of the analysis, timeline, and process is attached.  Based on the interviews and proposal evaluations, GATSO USA received the highest average score. 


Selection Rationale for Recommendation


The recommended vendor has sophisticated products, flexible fee structures and is an established international brand in the traffic enforcement industry. The following strengths were identified:

                     GATSO’s Industry Experience

o                     GATSO USA provides photo enforcement for 60+ countries and 20+ U.S. communities since 1958.

o                     GATSO is contractor for a number of E.U. governments including France and the Netherlands.

o                     GATSO USA appears to have the technical ability to provide full turnkey services to Village.

                     GATSO’s System Advantages

o                     GATSO has better detection, camera and review technology leading to more citations issued as a percentage of actual violations.

o                     Amber alert and tracking capabilities throughout their systems for a particular license plate. 

o                     Innovative radar, camera, and video-archiving capabilities

o                     GATSO USA does not limit the number of warning tickets.  The software system has a drop-down menu that is always available to the reviewing officer to select “issue ticket” or “issue warning”, thus allowing discretion to the officer.

                     GATSO’s Best Value Bid

o                     GATSO’s response was the lowest cost bid that met the required scope of work.

o                     GATSO provides same rate structure options/amounts to all customers.

o                     The per violation fee structure as opposed to the per camera fee structure keeps program honest - both the vendor and the Village capture more revenue as citation issuance increases.

o                     The payment rate will increase as a better image and video is provided to the violator - less likely to contest/not make payment.

o                     At any intersection with 5 or more lanes, they typically add the second camera to cover that 5th lane (or 5th and 6th lanes.)  This additional camera is at no additional cost to the Village as part of the per-approach costs.


Financial Impact

To be negotiated.


Recommended Action/Motion

I move to approve directing staff to begin a thirty-day negotiation with GATSO USA of Beverly, Massachusetts, for a three-year contract for a red light photo enforcement program.




To authorize staff to make a recommendation based on the final offer negotiated with GATSO USA and return to the Village Board for consideration;




Should said offer be found unacceptable by the Village Board, to authorize staff to begin a subsequent thirty-day negotiation with one of the remaining vendors for the red light photo enforcement program.