WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities of the Village of Orland Park, Cook and Will Counties, Illinois, did hold a public hearing on June 1, 2015, to consider an Annexation Agreement for the annexation of certain property not presently within the corporate limits of any municipality but contiguous to the Village of Orland Park, said Agreement being entitled "ANNEXATION AGREEMENT (MIDWEST ANIMAL HOSPITAL) - 11211 W. 183RD PLACE,” a true and correct copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof as EXHIBIT 1; and
WHEREAS, public notice in the form, manner and time required by law was given of said public hearing by publication not more than 30 days nor less than 15 days prior to said hearing in The Orland Park Star and The Daily Southtown, newspapers of general circulation in this Village; and
WHEREAS, notice in the form, manner and time required by law was given of said public hearing by service upon the Library Trustees of the Mokena Community Public Library District and the Frankfort Township, Will County, Highway Commissioner; and
WHEREAS, all persons desiring an opportunity to be heard were given such opportunity at said public hearing; and
WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities of the Village of Orland Park, Cook and Will Counties, Illinois, have determined that it is in the best interests of said Village of Orland Park that said Agreement be entered into by the Village of Orland Park;
NOW, THEREFORE, Be It Ordained by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Orland Park, Cook and Will Counties, Illinois, as follows:
This President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Orland Park hereby find that it is in the best interests of the Village of Orland Park and its residents that the aforesaid "ANNEXATION AGREEMENT (MIDWEST ANIMAL HOSPITAL) - 11211 W. 183RD PLACE” be entered into and executed by said Vil-lage of Orland Park with said Agreement to be substantially in the form attached hereto and made a part hereof as EXHIBIT 1.
The President and Clerk of the Village of Orland Park, Cook and Will Counties, Illinois, are hereby authorized to execute for and on behalf of said Village of Orland Park the aforesaid Agreement; provided, however, that all of the other parties to said Agreement have properly signed and executed the same.
This Ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage and approval in the manner provided by law.