Addition to Grasslands - Landscape Plan
This is a request for approval of a landscape plan for the proposed retail development at 11249 167th Street and 16740 Wolf Road, known as Addition to Grasslands. The Village Board approved the Site Plan on January 18, 2016 with the following conditions:
1) Submit a Final Landscape Plan, meeting all Village Codes, for separate review and approval, within 60 days of final engineering approval including the following items:
a. Provide a tree survey for all trees exceeding 4” in trunk diameter per Land Development Code.
b. Provide tree mitigation, per Code requirements, preferably on site if a healthy spacing can be achieved, otherwise a contribution must be paid per Code into the tree mitigation bank. Tree mitigation requirements will be finalized at the time of Final Landscape Plan and after final engineering of lots.
c. Landscape all portions of the expanded detention pond including the Village-owned portion of the expanded pond, and include a smooth transition from the old pond landscaping to the new pond landscaping, which is to include a natural style with a native edge.
d. Include evaluation of wetland plant material and the incorporation of recommended improvements.
e. Include parkway trees along all right of ways spaced 40’ on center, including 167th Street, but excepting Wolf Road.
f. Provide 4'-5’ height ornamental iron fence and Type C 15’ landscape buffer along all lots abutting 167th Street and Steeplechase Parkway, arranging plant material to accommodate site drainage.
2) Reduce the required detention pond setback from 25’to as little as 15’.
3) Reduce the required flat maintenance strip from 15’ to as little as 0’.
4) Reduce the required 50’ wetland setback.
Per Code requirements, the petitioner submitted a landscape plan that has been reviewed and approved by the Village’s Landscape Architect consulting firm.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to accept as findings of fact the findings of fact as set forth in this staff report dated December 19, 2016.
I move to approve the landscape plan titled, “"Addition to Grasslands Landscape Plan", drawn by Beary Landscaping and dated 01/04/2016.