Orlan Brook Drive Culvert Replacement - Bid and Construction Engineering Services
Orlan Brook Drive was originally constructed in the early 1970’s. The culvert section of the construction involved the installation of two 72-inch corrugated metal culvert pipes that connected the two ponds south of Wheeler Drive. Over the past 40 years, these pipes have deteriorated considerably. There is significant deflection through the barrels of the pipes and the roadway pavement structure above the pipes has developed sink holes requiring significant patching over the past few years. The culvert pipes need to be replaced in order to maintain a structurally sound roadway.
On July 20, 2015, the Village Board approved a proposal from Baxter & Woodman to perform Phase I and Phase II Consulting Engineering Services for the Orlan Brook Drive Culvert Replacement Project. In order to facilitate the construction of the project, staff requested and received a proposal for Phase lll Construction Services from Baxter & Woodman. Also responsible for providing oversight for the efficient implementation of the 2016 Road Improvement Program, Baxter & Woodman has established themselves as a proficient and professional consultant to the Village. Therefore, staff recommends approving the proposal from Baxter & Woodman for Phase II Construction Services for the Orlan Brook Drive Culvert Replacement Project in an amount not to exceed $32,712 (proposal attached), plus a $5,000 contingency for a total of $37,712.00.
An Invitation to Bid for the culvert replacement work was advertised in the Southtown Star Newspaper on May 31, 2016. Sealed bids were opened by the Village Clerk’s office on June 17, 2016 (summary attached). Eight (8) sealed bids were received. Bids were submitted by Airy's Inc. of Tinley Park, Illinois; D. Construction of Coal City, Illinois; Hasse Construction Company, Inc. of Calumet City, Illinois; Kovilic Construction Company, Inc. of Franklin Park, Illinois; Northwest General Contractors, Inc. of Glen Ellyn, Illinois; Misfits Construction Company of Chicago, Illinois; Trine Construction Corporation of West Chicago, Illinois; and V3 Construction Group, LTD of Woodridge, Illinois.
Hasse Construction Company, Inc. of Calumet City, Illinois, was identified as the lowest responsible bidder for the Orlan Brook Culvert Replacement project with a submitted project cost of $260,000.00. This cost is below staff’s estimate of $300,000 for the anticipated improvements; therefore, it is staff's recommendation that Hasse Construction Company, Inc. of Calumet City, Illinois be awarded the Orlan Brook Culvert Replacement project in the amount of $260,000.00, plus a $10,000 contingency for a total of $270,000.
This agenda item is being considered by the Public Works Committee and the Village Board of Trustees on the same night.
Financial Impact
Funds to complete this project are included in the FY2016 Water and Sewer budget, account 031-6007-470500.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve award of the Orlan Brook Culvert Replacement Project bid to Hasse Construction Company, Inc. of Calumet City, Illinois for an amount not to exceed $270,000;
Approve awarding Phase III Construction Engineering Services for the Orlan Brook Drive Culvert Replacement Project to Baxter & Woodman, Inc. of Mokena, Illinois, in an amount not to exceed $37,712.