File #: 2016-0061    Version: 0 Name: Silo Ridge Lot 1 Resubdivision
File created: 1/21/2016 In control: Board of Trustees
On agenda: 2/1/2016 Final action: 2/1/2016
Title: /Name/Summary Silo Ridge Resubdivision - Lot 1
Attachments: 1. Proposed Mylar Plat for Lot 1 - Silo Ridge Unit 1, 2. Silo Ridge Unit 1 Subdivision Plat, 3. Aerial - Lot 1 (1 Silo Ridge Road South)


Silo Ridge Resubdivision - Lot 1






Silo Ridge Resubdivision  Lot 1 - 2016-0061



Michael Cook



The petitioner is proposing to resubdivide Lot 1 in the Silo Ridge Unit 1 subdivision, which will reduce the corner side setback in order to accommodate the construction of a future single-family home. The originally platted 50 foot corner side setback will be reduced to the current R-1 Residential District zoning standards of 20 feet.


Requested Actions:  Subdivision


Project Attributes

Address: 1 Silo Ridge Road South (Lot 1)


P.I.N.(s): 27-07-304-021-0000


Size:  Approximately 30,820 square feet (.708 acres)


Comprehensive Plan Planning District: Orland Grove Planning District


Comprehensive Land Designation: Single Family Residential


Existing Zoning: R-1 Residential District


Existing Land Use: Vacant (Future Single Family Detached Home)


Surrounding Land Use:

North:  R-1 Residential District - (across Silo Ridge Road South) Single Family Detached Home

South: R-2 Residential District - (across 151st Street) Single Family Detached Home

East: R-1 Residential District - (across Silo Ridge Drive) Single Family Detached Home

West: R-1 Residential District - Single Family Detached Home




Lot 1 (1 Silo Ridge Road South) is located at the southwest corner of the main entrance to the Silo Ridge Unit 1 subdivision. The attached aerial exhibit highlights the location of the lot. The lot is approximately 134 feet by 230 feet.


The original subdivision plat for Silo Ridge Unit 1, subdivided in 1980 through unincorporated Cook County approvals, platted a 50 foot corner side setback on Lot 1. This large side setback was apparently located on the lot due to it being a corner lot adjacent to the main entry road. Originally, the main entrance was anticipated to be a gated entry with substantial landscape buffering.


Since the subdivision was first built, Lot 1 has been vacant. Currently, the recent owner has found the 50 foot corner side setback makes the placement of a home on the lot impossible.


A re-subdivision is necessary to make it possible to build a future single family house on the lot while remaining in compliance with the Land Development Code requirements. Village legal counsel confirmed that the 50 foot corner side setback governs due to its presence on the recorded subdivision plat, and any future changes will require approval by the Board of Trustees.


Silo Ridge is located in the R-1 Residential District. According to Section 6-202 of the Land Development Code Section, the R-1 Residential District requires the corner side setback for a lot abutting a major collector road (151st Street) to be 20 feet from the property line. The proposed re-subdivision will reduce the corner side setback the originally platted 50 feet to the existing regulations for the R-1 Residential zoning district. There are no proposed changes to the originally platted front setback of 50 feet.


Staff recommends the approval of a re-subdivision for Lot 1, and only Lot 1, which will change the corner side setback from 50 feet to the current R-1 zoning regulation of 20 feet. Staff has reviewed the attached plat exhibit and finds it conforms to Village subdivision regulations and shows the revised 20 foot corner side setback.


No variances from the Code are requested by this petition. 


The recommendation motion includes the following conditions:

1)                     That the petitioner submit a Record Plat of Subdivision to the Village for recording.


Overall, the project conforms to the Village’s Comprehensive Plan, Land Development Codes and policies for this area.




Preliminary Engineering

Grading - There are no proposed changes to the existing grading.


Utility and Drainage Easement - When originally platted, Lot 1 included a 10 foot utility and drainage easement in the rear lot. There are no proposed changes to the existing 10 foot utility and drainage easement.



The petitioner will need to submit a Plat of Subdivision to the Village for recording.


Land Use/Compatibility

Although the petitioner is not proposing a new house with this project, a single family home may be constructed on Lot 1 in the future. A single family detached home would be consistent with the surrounding land uses and with the existing character of the Silo Ridge subdivision. The proposed change to the corner lot setback is therefore compatible to the surrounding area, the zoning district and the Comprehensive Plan.


Setbacks, Height and Lot Coverage

The petitioner is not proposing a new house with this petition. However, the petitioner will be accountable to the setback, height and lot coverage requirements of the R-1 Residential zoning district stated in the Land Development Code when a home is proposed.


Lot Size

There are no proposed changes to the existing lot size.



The proposed re-subdivision will reduce the originally platted corner side setback from 50 feet to be in compliance with the existing R-1 Residential District setback requirements of 20 feet.


The adjacent corner lot across Silo Ridge Drive, at 64 Silo Ridge Road South, has a larger lot width than Lot 1. The lot at 64 Silo Ridge Road South has a lot width of 175 feet, which provided enough space to build a single family detached house. In comparison, Lot 1 only has a lot width of approximately 134 feet, which when combined with the 50 foot corner set back, prevents the construction of a single family home in compliance with other Land Development Code regulations.


There are no proposed changes to the originally platted front setback of 50 feet. Any future site improvements or construction must comply with the setback requirements of the R-1 Residential Zoning District in the Land Development Code.


Accessory Structures

No accessory structures are proposed at this time. Any future accessory structures proposed must meet the requirements stated in the Land Development Code.


Financial Impact



Recommended Action/Motion

I move to approve the resubdivision for Lot 1 in the Silo Ridge Unit 1, as depicted on the mylar plat titled "1st Re-subdivision of Part of Lot 1 in Silo Ridge Estates Unit 1,” project number 1550-7093, doc. no. 25362339, dated November 20, 2015, prepared by DLZ Industrial Survey, Inc., subject to the following conditions:


1) That the petitioner submit a Record Plat of Subdivision to the Village for recording.