File #: 2017-0426    Version: Name: Lower Level Village Hall Renovation for Relocation of Business Information Systems Department - Proposals
File created: 6/1/2017 In control: Board of Trustees
On agenda: 6/19/2017 Final action: 6/19/2017
Title: Lower Level Village Hall Renovation for Relocation of Business Information Systems Department - Proposals
Attachments: 1. Carpet Interiors Proposal, 2. Goldy Locks Proposal, 3. Midwest Office Interiors Proposal, 4. Carpet Interiors - Signed Contract - Village Hall Lower Level Carpet (BIS)


Lower Level Village Hall Renovation for Relocation of Business Information Systems Department - Proposals



The Village’s Business Information Systems (BIS) department is relocating and expanding its physical space to accommodate for the ever increasing demand of replacement equipment. The department also requires additional space to perform work on computers and to perform software installation and testing in a secure environment.  Staff was requested to develop a floor plan layout of the village hall lower level that could house all of the staff members of the BIS Department in a secure location.  A floor plan was created and price quotes for materials were collected.  Work is planned to include installation of dividing walls, door and frame installation, electric re-wiring, sprinkler head relocation, drywall installation, painting, carpeting installation and furniture purchase.  All of the labor for this renovation, except for carpeting installation and sprinkler head relocation will be completed by the Building Maintenance Division of Public Works.  The total budgeted amount for this project is $45,000.  Staff received a price quote for carpet purchase and installation from Carpet Interiors of Orland Park, Illinois.  Carpet Interiors, as a local vendor, has historically installed the bulk of carpeting for Village facilities, and has submitted price proposals and quotes for a number of Village carpeting projects and staff has found their quotes and proposals to be consistently well below their competition.


Carpet Interiors of Orland Park, Illinois submitted a proposal for $12,400.00 for the purchase and installation of nearly 300 square yards of carpet squares. Goldy Locks, Inc. of Tinley Park, Illinois submitted a quote for the purchase of a commercial door and frame, and 3 window kits for a cost of $3,305.00.  Purchases will also be made from several other local vendors for miscellaneous building, electric and plumbing supplies. 


The Village, as a member of the National Intergovernmental Purchasing Alliance (NIPA) NIPA Participating Agency Number: 1131722, plans to take advantage of a cooperative bid for furniture purchase. Midwest Office Interiors of Woodridge, IL is the preferred seller/vendor for National IPA member and furniture manufacture HON Co., of Muscatine, IA (NIPA Contract #R142208).  Midwest Office Interiors submitted a proposal for furniture in the amount of $15,377.89.


On June 5, 2017, this item was reviewed by the Public Works Committee and recommended for approval and referred to the Village Board of Trustees for consideration.


Financial Impact

Sufficient funding is available in BIS account 010-1600-460180.


Recommended Action/Motion

I move to approve acceptance of the National IPA priced proposal from Midwest Office Interiors of Woodridge, IL for an amount not to exceed $15,377.89;




Approve waiving the bid process;




Approve accepting the proposal for Carpet Interiors of Orland Park, IL in the amount of  $12,400.00;




Approve authorizing expenditures for a total project cost not to exceed the budgeted amount.