Purchase of two (2) 5-Ton Combination Roof-Top HVAC units for Robert Davidson Center - Emergency Purchase
There are five (5) 5-Ton combination HVAC units on the roof of the Robert Davidson Center (RDC). Two similar units were replaced on an emergency basis earlier this year. As a combination HVAC, each unit provides both heating and air conditioning needs for specific zones in the facility. HVAC units can generally be repaired, except in the case when the heat exchanger becomes corroded and fails. A failure of the heat exchanger and other critical components can lead to carbon monoxide being introduced into the building. Replacing the entire unit becomes more cost effective and prudent when these components fail. Substantial repair work has been performed on the units and both units require replacement. These critical component failures coupled with the need to cool and heat the facility, necessitates the need for immediate replacement.
Trane® HVAC units are being installed as the replacement brand for the failed Village HVAC units in an effort to standardize the Village’s HVAC inventory. Standardization ensures that quality parts and repair supplies are readily available when repairs are needed. To facilitate the replacement of the units, the Village requested and received a proposal from Trane Supply Co. of Tinley Park, IL, the authorized area dealer, for the purchase of two (2) 5-ton roof-top combination HVAC units for a total cost of $5,939.00. This is the same cost provided by Trane Supply earlier this year, and requires Village Board approval.
Building Maintenance staff will perform the labor to connect and install the units. As part of the HVAC installation, Building Maintenance will need to complete electric rewiring to install the HVAC units according to code requirements. Materials will be purchased from Steiner Electric Company of Tinley Park, IL at an estimated cost of $1,132.32. Necessary sheet metal material for duct work will also be purchased and installed per the invoice for previous similar work from Dalhman Sheet Metal Co. of Frankfort, IL at an estimated cost of $2,382.00. Additionally, a crane is needed to remove the old units from the roof of the Robert Davidson Center and replace with the new units. Stevenson Crane Services, Inc. of South Holland, IL will provide a 35-ton truck crane to accomplish this work at an estimated cost of $1,250.00.
The total estimated cost to remove and replace the 2 (5-Ton) combination HVAC units on the roof of the Robert Davidson Center (RDC) is $10,703.32.
On July 5, 2016, this item was reviewed and approved by the Public Works Committee and referred to the Board for approval.
Financial Impact
Funds needed to complete this project are available in the account 010-1700-460180. Funding for the crane rental is available in account 010-1700-444500.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve the emergency purchase of two (2) 5-ton combination roof-top HVAC units from Trane Supply Co. of Tinley Park, IL at a cost not to exceed $5,939.00.