File #: 2016-0513    Version: Name: Sportsplex Dumbbell/ Weight Plate Equipment - Purchase Approval
File created: 7/12/2016 In control: Board of Trustees
On agenda: 8/1/2016 Final action: 8/1/2016
Title: Sportsplex Dumbbell/ Weight Plate Equipment - Purchase Approval
Attachments: 1. Competitive Analysis, 2. Sales Rep Plates and DBs, 3. Market Segment Report, 4. Life Fitness Sole Source, 5. NJPA Life Cardio, 6. NJPA LIFE Plates and DBS


Sportsplex Dumbbell/ Weight Plate Equipment - Purchase Approval



On November 16, 2015 staff presented the Sportsplex Market Segmentation to the Recreation Committee and provided copies of the report to the Board of Trustees. The report included a summary of the community and Sportsplex membership demographics, an overview of the Sportsplex facility amenities, a full inventory of the fitness center equipment including current conditions of each piece, an overview of the feedback gleaned from the past two Sportsplex customer surveys, financial data and Capital projects/purchases, and a recommendation for future improvements and investment based on feedback and analysis.


Staff reviewed the findings of the report with the committee which identified the Sportsplex as a high-quality; mid-tier fitness facility providing a range of equipment options that satisfies the diverse needs of members. While several tiers of equipment are offered, it is prudent to maintain a consistency by type in each tier to provide users with the desired familiarity. The 2014/15 equipment purchases were outlined in the report and noted that these purchases would be brought to the Recreation and Parks Committee for consideration in the coming months. The equipment recommendation that is being considered tonight is aligned with the goal of maintaining the position of Sportsplex in its market segment as described in the report.


See Appendix A: Sportsplex Equipment pages 29 and 33 in the Sportsplex Market Segmentation Report for photos of equipment.


Life Fitness was awarded the contract from National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA) Cooperative for Healthcare, Fitness & Medical Related Solutions. NJPA referred staff to the local sales representatives as Life Fitness is the sole source provider of these products and the authorized sales representative for our area. Staff received NJPA co-op pricing and a quote from the local Life Fitness representative (See attached quotes).


To the advantage of the Village, the quoted prices from the local sales representative came in below the NJPA pricing.  Life Fitness quoted a price of $32,309.12 which is $10,956.41 less than the co-op price of $43,265.53.


Life Fitness Dumbbell/Weights includes: Perform Better Vertical bar holder, Hammer Strength Barbells (straight) 20-60 lbs., Hammer Barbell ( EZ Curl) 20-60 lbs., Hammer Dumbbells 5-125 lbs., Hammer Olympic plates 5-45 lbs.  This will be replacing all the current equipment that is 14 years old.


The proposed purchase would include all the equipment attached for the price of $32,309.12 which includes freight/fuel/installation.


On July 18, 2016, this item was reviewed and approved by the Parks and Recreation Committee, recommended for approval and referred to the Village Board of Trustees for consideration.


Financial Impact

$32,309.12 including all freight/fuel/installation. The amount budgeted in FY2016 Account #283-4007-460180 for this purchase is $90,000.00. ($57,651 was expended earlier this year for the purchase of weight room equipment bringing the total account expenditure to $89,960.12).

Recommended Action/Motion

I move to approve the purchase of Dumbbells and Weight equipment as outlined from Life Fitness in the amount of $32,309.12.