Stellwagen Farmhouse Foundation Restoration Re-Bid #15-019
Stellwagen Farmhouse Foundation Restoration Re-Bid #15-019
Development Services Department
Village of Orland Park
The purpose of this project is to repair and historically restore the existing foundation of the Stellwagen Family Farm’s farmhouse and its ancillary components around the entire structure according to the US Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Restoration.
Requested Actions: Bid Approval
Project Attributes
Address: 17701 S. 108th Avenue
Existing Zoning: OL Open Lands District
Comprehensive Plan designation: Open Space, Parks and Recreation
On July 14, 2015, the Village of Orland Park issued Bid #15-019 to solicit responses and proposals from contractors to correct and historically restore the Stellwagen Farm farmhouse building foundation. At that time all responses were deemed not responsive to the bid criteria and on September 8, 2015 the Village Board of Trustees rejected all of them.
On March 14, 2016, the Village re-issued the same bid from July 2015 with additional information for the repair and restoration of the Stellwagen Family Farm’s farmhouse foundation.
A pre-bid meeting was held on site on April 4, 2016 to walk through the project with potential respondents. All bids were due on April 25, 2016. Four bids were received from Berglund Construction, Kovilic Construction, Louder Enterprises and Nu-Con Construction.
Bid review was conducted in May 2016 and the Stellwagen Family Farm Foundation met to discuss and review the bid proposals received in the beginning of June.
The following is a breakdown of the costs associated with each bid, from highest to lowest. All bids are attached for review.
Kovilic Construction Co., Inc. -- $139,000
Berglund Construction Company -- $95,000
Nu-Con Construction Co. -- $86,927.88
Louder Enterprises, Inc. -- $67,428
The Stellwagen Family Farm budget for FY 2016 (which was issued by the Village Board) included a line item for the foundation restoration project for $55,000. All four submitted bids are therefore over budget. The lowest bid is over budget by $12,428.
At the June 8, 2016 Stellwagen Family Farm Foundation meeting the group discussed the lowest bid, which was lower in price by $19,499. They determined that the lowest bid was sufficient for the project subject to a number of conditions. They requested staff double check all references for quality of work, that a Certificate of Appropriateness review be conducted on the proposed improvements by Louder and that McGuire Igleski and Associates provide oversight. Finally they required building permits and inspections for the job. These conditions are reflected in their motion, below.
On June 8, 2016, the Stellwagen Family Farm Foundation, by a vote of 5-0 moved to recommend to the Village Board of Trustees to approve the lowest bidder, Louder Enterprises Corporation, to do the farmhouse restoration project with conditions.
Since the June 8, 2016 meeting, staff double-checked all of the references for Louder Enterprises and visited the various places where they have done work in the past. Of the three sites listed in the attached bid proposal, Empire Restaurant in Naperville, Illinois stood out as the most germane to this foundation project. At Empire Restaurant, Louder Enterprises repaired and restored a historic masonry (brick and limestone) wall at street level and on their rooftop dining areas to match historic profiles and blend with the surrounding wall’s appearance. Staff visited the site on two occasions to observe the work. All of Louder’s clients provided positive reviews of the work that was done. This summary was provided to the Stellwagen Foundation after the June 8 meeting and individual members affirmed the findings.
On July 18, 2016, the Development Services Planning and Engineering Committee moved 3-0 to recommend to the Village Board of Trustees to approve the lowest bidder, Louder Enterprises Corporation to do the farmhouse restoration project at a price of $67,428 subject to the following conditions:
1. That staff double-check all references;
2. That additional funds are granted by the Village Board to fully fund the project;
3. That a COA review is conducted prior to construction of the project;
4. That McGuire Igleski and Associates review the COA; and
5. That Louder obtains building permits and inspections to ensure project completion.
Moved 3-0 to recommend to the Village Board of Trustees to amend the budget for the Stellwagen Family Farm Foundation farmhouse foundation restoration project from $55,000 to $67,428 by adding $12,428 from the General Fund’s Contingency Account to the Open Lands Fund Land and Land Improvements Line Item.
Because the lowest bid was over budget, the Stellwagen Family Farm Foundation conditioned that their recommendation of Louder Enterprises be subject to the Village Board of Trustees approving a budget amendment for the additional $12,428 to complete the project.
If a budget amendment were approved, additional funds for the budget adjustment will come from the Contingency account within the General Fund. These funds will be used to increase the budget available in the Open Lands Fund Land and Land Improvements line item (this is the line item where the original $55,000 was budgeted).
A motion is included below for the additional funding through a budget amendment to the General Fund.
General Fund’s Contingency Account:
Total cost to the General Fund is $12,428.
Open Lands Fund Land & Land Improvement Line Item:
Total funding added to the Stellwagen portion of the Open Lands Fund is $12,428. This will increase the Stellwagen Farm budget for the foundation restoration from $55,000 to $67,428.
The Stellwagen Family Farm Foundation funding is held within the overall Open Lands account.
This case is now before the Village Board of Trustees for consideration.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve the lowest bidder, Louder Enterprises Corporation to complete the Stellwagen Farm farmhouse foundation restoration project with a budget adjustment from the General Fund as recommended at the June 8, 2016 Stellwagen Family Farm Foundation meeting and as indicated in the below fully referenced motion.
I move to approve the lowest bidder, Louder Enterprises Corporation to do the farmhouse restoration project at a price of $67,428 subject to the following conditions:
1. That staff double-check all references;
2. That additional funds are granted by the Village Board to fully fund the project;
3. That a COA review is conducted prior to construction of the project;
4. That McGuire Igleski and Associates review the COA; and
5. That Louder obtains building permits and inspections to ensure project completion.
I move to amend the budget for the Stellwagen Family Farm Foundation farmhouse foundation restoration project from $55,000 to $67,428 by adding $12,428 from the General Fund’s Contingency Account to the Open Lands Fund Land and Land Improvements Line Item.