Stellwagen Farm Parking Facilities, 108th Avenue Engineering and Permitting
As part of the development and programming of the Stellwagen Farmstead, a new parking lot north of the existing farm house is proposed. The entrance into the parking lot will be from 108th Avenue. To accommodate traffic entering the parking lot, widening and channelization of 108th is recommended. An exclusive left turn lane will provide a safe entrance into the facility allowing thru traffic to proceed through this area uninterrupted. 108th Avenue is under the jurisdiction of Cook County therefore a Cook County Highway permit will be required.
In 2013, the Village awarded Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. (CBBEL) a design engineering contract for the Stellwagen Farm perimeter path. CBBEL is familiar with the area, has provided concept exhibits for the 108th Avenue improvement as well as engineering of the proposed parking lot. Staff is recommending keeping CBBEL engaged in the development of this phase of the Stellwagen Farmstead.
The CBBEL proposal includes the survey of 108th Avenue and engineering of the widening of 108th Avenue and parking lot. Most of the parking lot has been designed as part of the Stellwagen Path design, however a portion of the parking lot needs to be coordinated with the 108th Avenue improvements. Also included in this proposal are the necessary 108th Avenue pedestrian crossing improvements. The improvements include new striping and signing of the pedestrian crossing areas.
On January 16, 2017, this item was reviewed by the Development Services, Planning and Engineering Committee, recommended for approval and referred to the Village Board of Trustees for consideration.
Financial Impact
The design and engineering services proposed by CBBEL will cost $35,000. Funds for the proposed work have been approved as part of the FY 2017 capital budget.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve awarding a design and engineering services contract for the Stellwagen Farm Parking Facilities, 108th Avenue Engineering and Permitting to Christopher B. Burke Engineering Ltd. for $35,000;
Approve authorizing the Interim Village Manager to sign the contract.