Police Station Emergency Steam Boiler Replacement & Upgrade - Proposal
The Police Department utilizes a steam generator that provides humidity control for the entire facility. The boiler within the generator began leaking and was determined to be unrepairable. The police station has various types of electronic equipment that is extremely susceptible to static electric charges which are exacerbated in a dry environment. The steam generator provides much needed humidity to the facility to prevent static discharges. The steam boiler proposal was provided by our preferred qualified provider, the CTS Group of Chicago, IL. This company was competitively selected by the Village of Orland Park in June of 2015 to provide researched turn-key proposals and competitively priced and fully engineered solutions, with installation oversight being managed by the CTS Group. The new steam boiler, as proposed, will be upgraded to a high efficient model and will be BACnet™ ready which provides remote access and monitoring through the Village’s existing energy management system software.
CTS engaged their lowest mechanical bidder from a recent Village of Orland Park project (dehumidification bid at Orland Park Health & Fitness) to provide the current proposal pricing. Staff has engaged CTS to move forward and bid the purchase and installation of the steam boiler to solicit pricing from additional contractors and pass on any additional savings to the Village. The current proposal is a guaranteed price with no change orders unless requested by the Village.
CTS has evaluated the needs of the facility and has provided the engineering and selection of the following steam boiler unit that will replace the single existing boiler that has failed at the Police Station. The unit has been selected to improve efficiency, and reduce maintenance costs for the Village. CTS recommends the following steam boiler unit for the Village of Orland Park. CTS will provide and install the following:
1. Furnish and install one (1) Columbia Boiler Series, MPH, MPH-10
2. Furnish and install piping to reconnect new boiler and flue
3. Remove existing boiler
4. Re-insulate any removed insulation from boiler swap
5. Boiler start-up
6. One year parts and labor warranty
7. Provide Twin alternating water softener with 1" RPZ valve
This total turn-key boiler replacement/upgrade installation is proposed at a not-to-exceed cost of $52,387.00. To account for any unforeseen installation challenges, staff if requesting a project contingency in the the amount of $5,000.00.
On August 7, 2017, this item was reviewed by the Public Works Committee and recommended for approval and referred to the Village Board of Trustees for consideration.
Financial Impact
This unanticipated emergency expense is unbudgeted. A transfer from Contingency, in the amount of $57,387.00 is being requested to cover the cost of this work.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve authorizing the use of contingency funds in the amount of $57,387.00;
Approve accepting the proposal from the CTS Group of Chicago, Illinois for the Police Station Emergency Steam Boiler Replacement & Upgrade for a not-to-exceed amount of $57,387.00 which includes a contingency amount of $5,000.00.