File #: 2017-0425    Version: Name: Contracted Street Light Repairs - Underground Line Faults, Vehicle knock-downs, Overhead Line conflicts - Payment
File created: 6/1/2017 In control: Board of Trustees
On agenda: 6/19/2017 Final action: 6/19/2017
Title: Contracted Street Light Repairs - Underground Line Faults, Vehicle knock-downs, Overhead Line conflicts - Payment
Attachments: 1. Proposals, 2. Edward Lighting Repairs


Contracted Street Light Repairs - Underground Line Faults, Vehicle knock-downs, Overhead Line conflicts - Payment



There are approximately 3,800 street lights located within the Village of Orland Park. These street lights require periodic repairs at different times for various reasons. The Public Works Department has established an online and call-in processes to report and document street light outages. Once notified, staff evaluate and repair the street light, or document a more significant issue. In some cases repairing the more significant issues may involve specialized equipment and take longer than anticipated; specifically those outages that are identified to be caused by underground line faults, vehicle knock-downs (accidents) and street lights near electric lines. When these specific repairs are not made in a timely manner, residents are negatively and directly impacted. While Village staff is committed to repairing street lights as quickly as possible, these specific repairs often require the use of outside contractors. 


The Village currently has a Master’s Services Agreement for Electrical Repair with Edward Electric of Hillside, IL. To date in 2017, staff has required assistance from Edward with ground fault repairs at 10501 Louetta Ln. ($2200), Aubrieta Ln. at 153rd Street ($1100) and 9041 Sunrise Ln. ($3200); and the relocation of a conduit from private property on Orland Woods Drive at Southwest Highway ($2800).  The total cost to complete these repairs is $9,300.


Additionally, there have been instances when staff has required assistance and Edward Electric was unable to quickly respond to repair street light issues. In order to facilitate timely repairs at competitive costs, staff requested proposals from several area electrical contractors for a variety of repairs. Proposals were submitted by Excel Electric of Frankfort, IL; Elmund & Nelson of Elgin, IL; and S&S Electric of Joliet, IL. The lowest costs for the requested repairs were consistently submitted by Excel Electric. Staff required assistance with ground fault repairs at 140th and William Drive ($1,975.00), and Lagrange Road between 163rd and 165th ($2,385.60); repair of a concrete base at Parkhill and  Sunrise Lane ($2,060.00); and erecting poles at 158th and Harlem Avenue ($956.00) and 159th Street at 88th Avenue ($2,488.00). The total cost to complete these repairs is $9,864.60


To safeguard against possible future delays, staff is requesting authorization to enter into an additional Master’s Services Agreement with Excel Electric of Frankfort, IL. Utilizing two reputable companies creates service redundancy and will better ensure that future pricing for electrical repairs remains competitive.


On June 5, 2017, this item was reviewed by the Public Works Committee and recommended for approval and referred to the Village Board of Trustees for consideration.


Financial Impact

Funding to complete this work is available in the insurance fund account for incidents involving reimbursable accidents account 092-0000-452210 and in the FY17 Budget account 010-5002-443700.


Recommended Action/Motion

I move to approve the payment to Edward Electric of Hillside, IL for Street Light Repairs for an amount not to exceed $9,300.00;




Approve authorizing payment to Excel Electric of Frankfort, IL for Street Light Repairs for an amount not to exceed $9,864.60;




Approve authorizing the Village to enter into a Master’s Services Agreement for Electrical Repair with Excel Electric for -as needed- street light repairs.