File #: 2015-0335    Version: Name: Parkview Estates (Villa West) Stage 2 Storm Water Improvement - Discussion
File created: 5/27/2015 In control: Board of Trustees
On agenda: 6/15/2015 Final action: 6/15/2015
Title: Parkview Estates (Villa West) Stage 2 Storm Water Improvement - Recommendation
Attachments: 1. Option A Proposed Grading and WSEL, 2. Option B Proposed Grading and WSEL, 3. Parkview Stage II Summary


Parkview Estates (Villa West) Stage 2 Storm Water Improvement - Recommendation



In 2014 the Village Board approved the Stage 2, Phase I & II engineering for storm water improvements to further minimize the risk of flooding in the Parkview Estates Subdivision. The Stage 2 improvement is in conjunction with the improvements currently under construction as part of Stage 1.  The Stage 2 improvements are also intended to improve storm water issues currently experienced in the Caro Vista Subdivision. 


Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. (CBBEL) has completed the hydrologic and hydraulic analysis. The results of the analysis determined that additional storage and conveyance to a regional storage pond, constructed in the Evergreen View Park property, would provide the added level of protection required.  Also taken into consideration, was the undetained storm water from the west portion of the watershed including the Clearview Estates Subdivision.  While no structure flooding occurs in this area, the undetained flow has a direct impact on the same tributary to Mill Creek. 


Two pond options were analyzed to determine the cost and benefit to both Parkview and Caro Vista Ponds (Memorandum attached).  Option A includes the construction of a 28 acre foot dry bottom pond and 36” conveyance pipe from Caro Vista Pond and an 18” pipe from the ComEd ROW south of 138th Place at an estimated cost of $5,750,000.  This option provides the requested level of protection to the Caro Vista Subdivision and further improves the conditions in the Parkview Estates Subdivision (Exhibit 1 Attached).  Option B increases the size of the storm water storage to 35 acre feet with the same pipe conveyance at an estimated cost of $6,750,000 (Exhibit 2 attached).  No additional benefit is obtained for the Caro Vista or Parkview areas.  The benefit of the additional storage capacity is only obtained if additional pipe conveyance is added from the Clearview Subdivision area.  Since no structure flooding has been reported, it is staff’s recommendation not to pursue the additional capacity at this time and move forward with the engineering of Option A.


CBBEL has also provided two options for implementation of the proposed improvements.  The first option is the traditional design/bid/build.  This method would allow construction to start by April, 2016 with substantial completion estimated before the end of the year (2016).  The second method is design/build (Guaranteed Maximum Price GMP).  Under this scenario construction could begin by September, 2015 with completion by mid-2016.  Since neither scenario anticipates completion prior to typical spring rain events, it is staff’s recommendation to utilize the traditional design/bid/build scenario. 


On June 1, 2015, this item was reviewed and the following options were approved by the Public Works Committee and referred to the Board for approval.  The committee recommends that the Village Board approve the continuation of the engineering for Option A:  Construction of a 28 acre foot dry bottom pond in Evergreen View Park. The committee also recommends that the Village Board approve to utilize the design/bid/build method for the construction of the Parkview Estates (Villa West) Stage 2 Storm Water Improvement


Financial Impact

Pending the Board’s acceptance of the Public Works Committee’s recommendations, formal proposals will be submitted to the Public Works Committee for review and recommendation to the Board for approval.


Recommended Action/Motion

I move to approve to continue engineering for Option A:  Construction of a 28 acre-foot dry bottom pond in Evergreen View Park.




To utilize the traditional design/bid/build method for the construction of the Parkview Estates (Villa West) Stage 2 Storm Water Improvement.