File #: 2016-0493    Version: Name: Fernway Subdivision Roadway and Ditch Grading Improvements 2016 - Bid and Construction Engineering Services
File created: 6/28/2016 In control: Board of Trustees
On agenda: 7/18/2016 Final action: 7/18/2016
Title: Fernway Subdivision Roadway and Ditch Grading Improvements 2016 - Bid and Construction Engineering Services
Attachments: 1. Proposal, 2. Bid Tabulation, 3. Improvements, 4. P.T. Ferro Bid, 5. PT Ferro - Signed Contract - Fernway Sub Roadway & Ditch Improv. 2016, 6. Baxter & Woodman - Signed Contract - Exhibit B - Fernway Subd Construction


Fernway Subdivision Roadway and Ditch Grading Improvements 2016 - Bid and Construction Engineering Services



The pavement in Fernway Subdivision was originally constructed in the early 1960’s.  At that time, the unincorporated roadways were constructed to a rural cross section, below Village standards.  The Village has spent considerable resources maintaining these roadways since annexing the area over 40 years ago.  Our Pavement Management Consultant, Applied Research Associates, has recommended full pavement reconstruction in conjunction with ribbon curbs to support the pavement edge.  Due to the scale of work and expected construction cost, the overall project for the entire subdivision is planned to be completed over nine years, depending on funding. 


On November 16, 2015 the Village Board approved a contract with Baxter & Woodman to provide required Phase II Engineering services for the first segment of this multi-year road improvement project.


The following roads are planned to be completed in 2016 (year 1), 167th Place (88th Avenue east to Village limit) and a section of Robinhood Drive (167th Street to 171st Street). 


In addition, the Village previously engaged Christopher B. Burke Engineering (CBBEL) to design and engineer roadside drainage ditch grading improvements.  Both plan sets were incorporated into the Fernway Subdivision Roadway and Ditch Grading Improvements 2016 bid package.


An Invitation to Bid was advertised in the Southtown Star Newspaper on June 9, 2016.  Seven (7) sealed bids were submitted for the Fernway Subdivision Roadway and Ditch Grading Improvements 2016.  Bids were received from:  Austin Tyler Construction of Elwood, Illinois; Crowley-Sheppard Asphalt Inc. of Chicago Ridge, Illinois; D. Construction of Coal City, Illinois; Gallagher Asphalt Corporation of Thornton, Illinois; Landmark Contractors, Inc. of Huntley, Illinois; Orange Crush, LLC of Hillside, Illinois; and P.T. Ferro Construction Company of Joliet, Illinois.                     The sealed bids were opened publicly by the Clerk’s Office at 11:00 a.m. on Friday, June 23, 2016 (summary attached).


P.T. Ferro Construction Company of Joliet, Illinois, was identified as the lowest responsible bidder for the Fernway Subdivision Roadway and Ditch Grading Improvements 2016 bid package, with a submitted project cost of $642,855.10 for roadway reconstruction, and $235,104.00 for ditch grading for a grand total of $877,959.10. 


Therefore, it is staff's recommendation that P.T. Ferro Construction Company of Joliet, Illinois be awarded the project for the Fernway Subdivision Roadway and Ditch Grading Improvements 2016 in the amount of $877,959.10 plus $40,000 contingency for the road improvement work and $20,000 contingency for the ditch grading work for a total cost of $937,959.10.


To facilitate the construction, staff requested and received a proposal for Phase lll Construction Services from Baxter & Woodman.  Baxter & Woodman is overseeing the 2016 Road Improvement Program and has worked with the Village on other projects. Staff recommends approving the proposal from Baxter & Woodman in an amount not to exceed $161,323.00 (proposal attached) plus $5,000.00 contingency for the road improvement work and $5,000.00 contingency for the ditch grading work for a total cost of $171,323.00. 


Based on the type of construction, $101,793.80 (60%) of the cost will be funded by the Road Program; $69,529.20 (40%) will be funded by the Storm Water Fund in Water and Sewer.


On July 5, 2016, this item was reviewed and approved by the Public Works Committee and referred to the Board for approval.


Financial Impact

Funds for this work are included in the FY16 approved capital budget, and are available in the Road Program account 054-0000-471250, and Water and Sewer account 031-6007-470500.


Recommended Action/Motion

I move to accept the bid from PT Ferro Construction Company of Joliet, Illinois for the 2016 Fernway Subdivision Roadway and Ditch Grading Improvements in an amount not to exceed $937,959.10;




Awarding Phase III Construction Engineering Services for the 2016 Fernway Subdivision Roadway and Ditch Grading Improvements to Baxter & Woodman, Inc. of Mokena, Illinois, in an amount not to exceed $171,323.00.