File #: 2016-0260    Version: Name: Online Uniform Program
File created: 3/30/2016 In control: Board of Trustees
On agenda: 4/18/2016 Final action: 4/18/2016
Title: Online Uniform Program
Attachments: 1. Uniform Comparison Costs


Online Uniform Program



Through a collective bargaining agreement, the Public Works Department budgets annually for uniform purchases for employees represented by the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME). Previously, the uniform purchase program involved the engagement of multiple vendors that provided a variety of uniform options (i.e. pants, shirts and outerwear) for staff. Uniform orders would be delivered to the village then sent out to a third-party screen printing company and finally returned to the village to be distributed to staff.


The program process was onerous and highly decentralized, as it was managed separately by multiple division supervisors, making the program difficult to administer with consistency.  Staff members frequently voiced concerns that the process was cumbersome and wait times on orders were excessive.


In an effort to implement a more centralized and efficient uniform purchase program, staff began exploring alternative options for administering the uniform program. One best practice option that proved successful in the fire service arena was the utilization of an online ordering format that placed the selection and ordering of uniform items in the hands of the individual employee. Employees are provided a set stipend and are allowed to purchase uniforms online using a digital voucher. The program is completely managed online, requiring little interaction from supervisory staff.  Unique Apparel Solutions (UAS), Elk Grove Village, IL, provides online uniform ordering services for a myriad of fire departments in the region.  Public Works was approached by UAS and a cost comparison was completed to verify competitive pricing.  The decision was made to beta test the program in the fall of 2015.  Public Works was UAS’s first municipal (non-fire service) customer. 


UAS partners with name-brand wholesale clothing manufactures (Carhartt, Dickies and Key) to provide employees with an assortment of preapproved uniform items using a secured website. The website also allows the uniform program administrator to view orders, individual employee purchasing history, and overall employee ordering trends to accommodate continued program improvement. Rapid changes and corrections may also be made to orders that have been submitted, and turnaround (delivery) time is minimal.


Using the UAS online ordering system, Public Works staff was able to streamline the entire uniform purchase process from start to finish. Various uniform items for over 58 full-time and part-time employees are seamlessly purchased through this program.


Utilizing UAS, the entire uniform purchasing process is centralized and managed by an on-site designated administrator who can review each order, as well as provide detail analysis of the entire program.


Staff has continued the online uniform purchase program in 2016. Staff anticipates exceeding the $5,000 dollar threshold with UAS and would like to continue to utilize this more efficient uniform purchase program. In FY16, Public Works budgeted $20,000 for uniform purchases for five divisions (Utilities, Streets, Building Maintenance, Vehicles & Equipment, and Transportation).


During our evaluation, staff reviewed and compared UAS’s pricing to the retail uniform shop previously used. Based on a staff member’s normal uniform order of approximately 12 clothing items, the UAS online process costs an additional $7.00 per staff order. The minimal extra cost is offset by the reduction in staff time to manage the previous program.  Staff’s comparison has been provided as an attached document. Based on our analysis, we believe that UAS provides an excellent benefit-to-cost return.


On April 4, 2016, this item was reviewed and approved by the Public Works Committee and referred to the Board for approval.


Financial impact

Funding is available in accounts 010-1700-460190, 010-5002-460190, 010-5006-460190, 010-5003-460190, and 031-6001-460190 to cover the cost of the uniform purchase program.


Recommended Action/Motion

I move to approve Unique Apparel Solutions, Elk Grove Village, IL for the online uniform purchase program for Public Works in an amount not to exceed $20,000.