Purchase of LED Street Light Heads/Fixtures - Proposal
The Public Works Department maintains over 3,200 street lights throughout the Village. To ensure non-working lights are repaired in a timely fashion, the department stocks and maintains an inventory of various parts. Currently, the available parts stock is dwindling and staff is in need of additional inventory; specifically, street light heads/fixtures.
The Village Land Development Code requires LED street light installation in new developments. Additionally, as the Village works to convert and upgrade our existing inventory of High Pressure Sodium (HPS) street lights to LED, crews will replace non-functioning HPS heads with LED heads.
To restock our parts inventory and continue our LED conversion initiative, staff solicited proposals for the purchase of General Electric (GE) LED heads from three vendors. CED/Efengee Electric of Lemont, IL submitted a proposal for $300.00 per light head for mid-block lights (150 watt HPS equivalent), and $389.00 per head for intersection lights (250 watt HPS equivalent). Helsel-Jepperson of Chicago Heights, IL submitted a proposal for $274.75 per light head for mid-block lights, and $355.50 per head for intersection lights. Steiner Electric of Chicago, IL declined to submit a proposal.
Helsel-Jepperson of Chicago Heights, IL provided the lowest price for both mid-block LED lights and intersection lights. Staff learned through this proposal process that Commonwealth Edison offers a $130.00 (mid-block), or $243.00 (intersection) rebate through the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO). Helsel-Jepperson has offered to process these rebates with our purchase.
Staff recommends that the proposal submitted by Helsel-Jepperson be accepted for the purchase of street light heads/fixtures. Based on the FY17 budget, staff estimates that 26 streetlight heads/fixtures can be purchased in 2017.
On February 20, 2017, this item was reviewed and approved by the Public Works Committee and referred to the Board for approval.
Financial Impact
Funds to cover these purchases are available in FY17 Streets account 010-5002-461400.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve accepting the proposal from Helsel-Jepperson of Chicago Heights, IL for the purchase of LED street light heads/fixtures at a cost not to exceed the Board approved budget amount.