Cultural Arts Center Temperature Control Renovation, 143rd Metra and Network Integration RFP Award
Proposals were received on April 15, 2014 at 11:00 a.m. in the Village Clerk’s Office for Temperature Control Renovation at the Cultural Arts Center/143rd Metra Station and Network Integration. There are only three companies that handle the software system that the Village currently uses for HVAC controls. Automatic Building Controls, LLC (ABC) is the current vendor used by the Village to maintain our existing systems. ABC has many years of experience working with the Village systems, including the HVAC controls and communication systems. ABC was the only company to provide a response to the RFP for this project. One other company contacted the Village with several questions about the scope of work, however they failed to send in a proposal.
The Cultural Center HVAC is currently working off of a DOS system which is completely obsolete. The IT division has been able to keep it running with limited interuption, but it is rapidly declining. Staff who work in this facility do report problems promptly, but there is no monitoring of the systems remotely with the DOS system, resulting in "emergency" fixes that are usually unforeseen.
The Metra 143rd Station has a very complex system that is also stand-alone without monitoring capabilities. This project proposes integration of that system to the controls system used for the rest of the Village's facilities. Fortunately, the concessionaire at that station has been in close contact with Building Maintenance staff to report the problems with that system this winter. There were several days where the heat had shut down and the temperatures were very low when the vendor arrived at 5 a.m. that morning. Building Maintenance staff responded when notified and were able to restart the system and make necessary adjustments/repairs.
The scope of the project provides for network integration of these systems into the overall Village HVAC system controls thus eliminating the standalone control systems on individual computers at those locations allowing all systems to be run by a server in IT. It also allows for access to information on the facility systems from the desktop of those with access and provides notices of failures immediately.
On April 21, 2014, this item was reviewed by the Parks & Recreation Committee, recommended for approval and referred to the Village Board of Trustees for consideration.
Financial Impact
The funds will come from the Capital budget 023-0000-470800 $60,000.00 IT budget for network integration 010-1600-460130 $18,000.00 and Metra 143rd Building Maintenance Budget 010-1700- 470100 $20,000.00.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve waiving the bid process and accept a proposal from Automatic Building Controls LLC. to provide the temperature controls as specified at a cost not to exceed $94,469.00.