Townhomes at Colette Highlands - Appearance Review
Townhomes at Colette Highlands - 2016-0709
John Schiess, Architect
Park Station Boulevard Condominium LLC
The purpose of this petition is to administratively review revisions to the elevations from what was previously approved by the Board of Trustees in case number 2015-0516.
Requested Actions: Appearance Review
Project Attributes
Address: 15608 - 15624 Park Station Boulevard
P.I.N.(s): 27-17-404-037; -038; and -039
Size: 3.6 acres
Comprehensive Plan Planning District: Centennial Planning District
Comprehensive Land Designation: Mixed Residential
Existing Zoning: R-4 Residential District
Proposed Zoning: N/A
Existing Land Use: Multi-Family Residential/ Vacant
Proposed Land Use: Multi-Family REsidential
Surrounding Land Use:
North: OL Open Lands District - (across Park Station Boulevard) Metra Commuter Parking Lot
South: R-4 Residential District - Multi-Family Residential (Condo building)
East: OL Open Lands District - (across Park Station Boulevard) Centennial Park West/ Recreation Park
West: R-3 Residential District - Single Family Residential
Preliminary Engineering: N/A
On December 28, 2015, the Village Board of Trustees approved a 60 unit development on the remaining 3.6 acres of the former Colette Highlands Condominiums property (northwest corner of Park Station Boulevard and Somer Glen Lane). This was done via special use permit for a planned unit development, including site plan and elevations review. The case number for the original approval is 2015-0516.
On January 18, 2016, the Village Board of Trustees approved the nine (9) lot subdivision for this project.
On November 3, 2016, the petitioner’s representative and architect for the project, John Schiess, met with members of the various Colette Highlands HOAs to discuss proposed changes to the elevations of the buildings that were approved by the Board in December of 2015. The architect noted that no site plan changes were made and introduced the concept of the rooftop patios or roof-decks. The change was proposed to improve the marketability of the units and to give them a unique quality missing in the Orland Park market.
During the meeting with the Associations feedback was gathered by the architect from area residents regarding potential nuisances related to parties, storage of things, overlooking private property etc.
On December 19, 2016, the Development Services Planning and Engineering Committee heard arguments regarding the proposed rooftop balconies proposed as a revision to the Townhomes at Colette Highlands. A number of issues were raised by residents at the public meeting and these issues were sent back to the development team to resolve and bring forward for the January 16, 2017 meeting.
Community Meeting & Compromise Reached
On January 12, 2017, the development team met with representatives of the local Homeowners Associations (stakeholders) to discuss ways to find a compromise. A compromise was reached at that meeting to prohibit rooftop patios/ roof-decks on the first three western-most units for buildings C, D, E, F, G and the first six southern-most units for building A (see site diagram exhibit attached to this report).
At the January 16, 2017 Development Services Planning and Engineering Committee meeting the development team returned to present this compromise to the Committee. The plan was endorsed by area residents.
This report will provide an update to the overall Appearance Review approval that is recommended to the Board of Trustees for approval.
The proposed revisions to the Board approved elevations for this townhome subdivision can be categorized into two parts. The first part is the adjustment of the front elevations’ width. The second part is the addition of a fourth level rooftop patio on the rear elevation of some units.
No variances are proposed for this project, not even from the Building Code, to achieve these changes.
The recommendation motion includes the following conditions:
1. Replace all elevation drawings in the approval of Oct. 12, 2016 with the new pages that reflect the changes of sheet SK8.1, last revised January 17, 2017.
Overall, the project conforms to the Village’s Comprehensive Plan, Land Development Codes and policies for this area.
Additional details about the project are discussed in the Appearance Review report, which is attached for reference.
Regarding the review of the project, the proposed revision to the elevations was reviewed administratively in compliance with Section 5-106 of the Land Development Code, which states “An appearance review is required for minor exterior site and building changes for all existing development, except single family residential and multifamily of fewer than six (6) units”. Considering the prior Board approval and that this was more than six units of multifamily development, the administrative review process was triggered particularly because no changes were made to the site plan.
Nevertheless, the proposed elevation changes to the Board approved drawings are forwarded to the Development Services Planning and Engineering Committee and the Board of Trustees for final approval.
The Administrative Review for Townhomes at Colette Highlands, case number 2016-0709, as indicated in the elevation drawings titled “Townhomes at Colette Highlands 15608-24 Park Station Blvd. Orland Park, Illinois”, prepared by John Conrad Schiess Architect, pages SK1 through SK15, was administratively approved on October 12, 2016 subject to the following condition:
1. Include a window in each building rooftop access stairwell to provide natural light into the stairwells and visual interest to the top level of the rear elevations.
The Administrative Review for Townhomes at Colette Highlands, case number 2016-0709, as noted in the above motion, was revised on December 13, 2016 to remove the rooftop patios from the end units of each building per the rear elevations titled “Townhomes at Colette Highlands 15608-24 Park Station Blvd. Orland Park, Illinois,” prepared by John Conrad Schiess Architect, new page SK9, last revised December 13, 2016, subject to the following conditions:
1. Disregard the original page SK9 from the approval of Oct. 12, 2016 and replace with the new page SK9 last dated December 13, 2016.
2. Continue the revision noted on the new page SK9 on pages SK10 through SK15, which are the rear elevations of the various building types.
This case is now before the Development Services/Planning Committee for review prior to being sent to the Board of Trustees for final review/approval.
On January 16, 2017, the Development Services Planning and Engineering Committee moved 3-0 to recommend to the Board of Trustees to approve the Administrative Review for Townhomes at Colette Highlands, as indicated in the elevation drawings titled “Townhomes at Colette Highlands 15608-24 Park Station Blvd. Orland Park, Illinois”, prepared by John Conrad Schiess Architect, pages SK1 through SK15, subject to the following conditions:
1. Include a window in each building rooftop access stairwell to provide natural light into the stairwells and visual interest to the top level of the rear elevations.
2. Disregard the original page SK9 from the approval of Oct. 12, 2016 and replace with the new page SK9 last dated December 13, 2016.
3. Continue the revision noted on the new page SK9 on pages SK10 through SK15, which are the rear elevations of the various building types.
4. Work with staff to finalize the compromise solution into a drawing set.
Since the last Committee meeting, condition 1 has been met and conditions 2 and 3 will be revised to reflect the compromise solution.
In addition to this, the development team has provided two new elevation drawings for the rear and side of Building G. Building G is used as a template building. It shows the changes to be expected on Buildings A, C, D, E, and F.
The front elevation presented in the Appearance Review staff report are unchanged with the revised side and rear elevations for Building G.
Rear Elevation
The rear elevation for Building G is carried forward to the other buildings affected by the compromise solution discussed earlier. The first three (3) units from the west will remain unchanged from the original Board approval in 2015 (no roof decks). The remaining units will have the rooftop patio/ roof-deck amenities. This is true for each of the buildings along the west property line.
For Building A, the first six (6) units from the south will remain unchanged from the original Board approval in 2015 (no roof decks). The remaining units will have the rooftop patio/ roof deck amenities. All units on Buildings B and H will have the roof decks.
The attached exhibit titled “Site Diagram - Roof Deck Options” shows the application of the roof decks. Half of the building rooftop will be roofed normally and the other half will have the roof decks.
Side Elevations
The west and south side elevations for Buildings A, C, D, E, F, and G will appear as was approved originally by the Board in 2015. The east and north side elevations for these same buildings will have the raised side dormer off the roof with the deck in the back and the gable in the front as was approved in the Appearance Review in October 2016.
The proposed motion approves these revisions and assigns them to the side and rear elevations of each building per the site diagram exhibit.
This case is now before the Village Board of Trustees for consideration.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve the Administrative Review for Townhomes at Colette Highlands and the Site Diagram as the regulating plan for roof decks as recommended at the January 16, 2017 Development Services Planning and Engineering Committee meeting and as indicated in the below fully referenced motion.
I move to approve the Administrative Review for Townhomes at Colette Highlands, as indicated in the elevation drawings titled “Townhomes at Colette Highlands 15608-24 Park Station Blvd. Orland Park, Illinois,” prepared by John Schiess Architect, sheets SK1 through SK15, subject to the following conditions:
1. Replace all elevation drawings in the approval of Oct. 12, 2016 with the new pages that reflect the changes of sheet SK8.1, last revised January 17, 2017;
I move to approve the site diagram titled “Site Diagram - Roof Deck Options”, prepared by John Schiess Architect, sheet SK000, last revised January 16, 2017 as the regulating plan for roof decks in the development.