File #: 2014-0479    Version: 0 Name: Sidewalk Gap/ Path Construction
File created: 8/13/2014 In control: Board of Trustees
On agenda: 8/18/2014 Final action: 8/18/2014
Title: /Name/Summary Sidewalk Gap/ Path Construction


Sidewalk Gap/ Path Construction



Throughout the Village there are areas where sidewalk/pedestrian path gaps exist. This year two areas have been identified to be completed; Ravinia Avenue from Ravinia Lane north to the current sidewalk adjacent to 14300 Ravinia Avenue and at the northeast corner of 104th Avenue and 167th Street.


In 2007 the Village Board approved a preliminary site plan for Biltmore Towers located at the northwest corner of Ravinia Avenue and Ravinia Lane. Included with the improvements was the dedication of right of way along Ravinia Lane and Ravinia Avenue. Since that time the project stalled and the right of way was never dedicated. As part of the Village's sidewalk gap program staff has worked with the current property owner, John Barrett, to have the right of way dedicated to facilitate the sidewalk installation along Ravinia Avenue. As part of the project, Public Works will be removing a cottonwood tree at the site and clearing brush to install the sidewalk.


Within the Orland Prairie parcel, the Cook County Forest Preserve District is planning the installation of a path network. Included in that project is the installation of pedestrian crossings at the intersection of 104th Avenue and 167th Street. Currently a small gap exists between the existing Village path along 104th Avenue north of 167th Street. As part of this request the existing path would be extended to meet the proposed Forest Preserve improvements at the intersection.


The estimated cost for each gap is:


$8,000 - Ravinia Avenue

$10,000 - 104th Avenue


There is a Board approved line item in the amount of $50,000 for the construction of sidewalk and pedestrian path gaps in the 2014 capital budget. Staff is recommending adding $50,000 to the 2014 Road Improvement Program as awarded to the Austin Tyler Construction Company of Elwood, IL. Remaining funds available after the completion of these two projects will be used to complete additional gaps identified prior to the end of the 2014 construction season.


This agenda item is being considered by the Development Services, Planning & Engineering Committee and the Village Board of Trustees on the same night due to the need for this work to be completed before the end of the 2014 construction season. 


Financial Impact

Funds for this project are available in the 2014 Village sidewalk gap program account #054-0000-471500.


Recommended Action/Motion

I move to recommend to the Village Board to approve the addition of $50,000 to the 2014 Road Improvement Program contract with Austin Tyler Construction Company of Elwood, IL for the installation of sidewalk and pedestrian path gaps at the current contract unit prices.