File #: 2016-0748    Version: Name: 15221 Cottonwood Court Geothermal Project
File created: 10/28/2016 In control: Board of Trustees
On agenda: 12/19/2016 Final action: 12/19/2016
Title: /Name/Summary 15221 Cottonwood Court Geothermal Project
Attachments: 1. Plat of Survey


15221 Cottonwood Court Geothermal Project






15221 Cottonwood Court Geothermal Project




Dhaval Patel



The purpose of this petition is to install and maintain a residential geothermal heat pump renewable energy system at the private residence of 15221 Cottonwood Court.


Requested Actions:  Appearance Review (Environmental Clean Technology)


Project Attributes

Address:  15221 Cottonwood Court


P.I.N.(s):  27-18-104-043-0000


Size: 23,040 SF


Comprehensive Plan Planning District:  Centennial Planning District

Comprehensive Land Designation: Single Family Residential

Existing Zoning: R-1 Residential District

Existing Land Use: Single Family Home


Surrounding Land Use:

North:  R-1 Residential District - Single Family Home

South:  R-1 Residential District - Single Family Home

East:  R-1 Residential District - Vacant

West: R-1 Residential District - Single Family Home


Preliminary Engineering:  N/A.  The engineering of geothermal renewable energy systems are regulated through state licensing criteria.



The petitioner proposes to install a geothermal renewable energy system in the front yard of the single family home at 15221 Cottonwood Court, located in the Arbor Pointe Subdivision.  Geothermal renewable energy systems boost building heating and cooling performance for higher efficiencies and lower utility costs.  In the summer, geothermal systems act as heat sinks to cool buildings via the constant temperature of the Earth (typically 55 degrees at depth).  In the winter, the systems channel the Earth’s constant temperature (again typically 55 degrees at depth) to provide a heating boost to the structure.  As a result, heating and cooling mechanical systems are not required to operate as much to attain desired heating and cooling levels since the Earth is providing a 55 degree base line temperature for the building.


This is the second geothermal project reviewed by the Village via the Environmental Clean Technology Appearance Review process (see 6-314.C), the first of which was located at 14232 Ashford Court (see 2014-0568). If recommended for approval by the Plan Commission and Development Services, Planning and Engineering Committee, this project would receive a final review by the Village Board on December 19, 2016.


The petitioner does not request any variances for this project.


The recommendation motion includes the following conditions:

1)  Meet all Building Code related items;

2)  Obtain necessary permits from the State prior to issuance of a building permit;

3)  Any mechanical equipment must be screened at grade level with landscaping. 


Overall, the project conforms to the Village’s Comprehensive Plan, Land Development Codes and policies for this area.



The petitioner proposes to install the geothermal system in the front yard of 15221 Cottonwood Court.  The installation will consist of a five (5) loop header (wells) approximately 55 feet to the northwest of the single family home.  The headers will be connected to the house via two 1¼  inch mains.  Each loop will be ¾ inch in size and a depth of 200 feet.


The system will be vertically drilled for five (5) well heads at 200 foot depth.  The heads will be connected to the house via bore holes in which the loop and grout will be routed.  The loop system will penetrate the house at the rear of the property and connect to an interior geothermal heat pump (7 Series 700A11 by Water Furnace).



Section 6-314.F.1.a of the Land Development Code does not regulate the depth of the geothermal wells, only that they must be below the frost line (42”).


Utility Setbacks

Section 6-314.F.1.b states that geothermal systems must maintain a minimum distance of ten (10) feet from “existing storm water, sewer and water main utilities”.  There is a ten (10) foot drainage and utility easement along the west property line.  The petitioner/ resident must ensure that the geothermal system maintains the required ten (10) feet from any public utility within that easement.


There is also a seven and a half (7.5) foot wide utility easement approximately five (5) feet to the north of the proposed geothermal system.  Depending on field measures, changes and installations, the petitioner must ensure that the system maintains the required ten (10) foot setback from any public utility within that easement.




Natural Features

The geothermal system does not impact any natural features or any trees. Though the system is predominantly underground, there is no vegetation that will be disturbed in the installation process (according to aerials).


Preliminary Engineering

The State of Illinois regulates the installation of geothermal energy systems via licensing.


Land Use/Compatibility

Geothermal heat pump systems are highly compatible renewable energy systems for single family residential dwellings. They do not have a visual impact to the surrounding properties as they are located underground.


Lot Coverage

Lot coverage remains unchanged. Geothermal systems do not require additional hardscape.


Mechanicals/Utility Conduits

If the connection to the house necessitates any housing or other assembly prior to penetration, all mechanical equipment must be screened at grade level with landscaping. 


This is now before Plan Commission for consideration.


Recommended Action/Motion


I move to accept as findings of fact of this Plan Commission the findings of fact set forth in this staff report, dated November 22, 2016,




I move to recommend to the Village Board to approve the Appearance Review (Environmental Clean Technology) for a geothermal heat pump system at 15221 Cottonwood Court as depicted on the plat of survey titled “Plat of Survey”, prepared by the petitioner, dated received on October 27, 2016, subject to the following conditions:


1)  Meet all Building Code related items;

2)  Obtain necessary permits from the State prior to issuance of a building permit;

3)  Any mechanical equipment must be screened at grade level with landscaping.