File #: 2017-0497    Version: Name: 104th Multi Use Path
File created: 7/11/2017 In control: Board of Trustees
On agenda: 10/2/2017 Final action: 10/2/2017
Title: /Name/Summary 104th Avenue Multi-Use Path (163rd to 159th) - Phase II Engineering Design Services
Attachments: 1. Scope and Fee Proposal, 2. Contract - Signed


104th Avenue Multi-Use Path (163rd to 159th) - Phase II Engineering Design Services



In 2010 a multi-use path was constructed from 167th Street to 163rd Street along the east side of 104th Avenue, leaving the segment to 159th not completed.  As part of the Villages overall comprehensive transportation plan this path segment is an important part of completing the connection from Centennial Park to the Grasslands area.  The portion of the path affects a large area of wetlands at the southeast corner of 159th and 104th.  Existing drainage structures under 104th Avenue will need to be extended to accommodate the new path.


The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) continues construction of the 159th Street widening and reconstruction project.  This project is scheduled to be completed late 2018 early 2019.  As part of this project a multi-use path is being constructed throughout the corridor.  The Village and IDOT have coordinated the installation of a traffic signal at 104th Avenue including pedestrian crossing signals.  The path will connect into the Centennial Park trail just north of the intersection. 


H.W. Lochner of Chicago, Illinois was the design engineer for IDOT relating to the roadway widening and reconstruction.  Lochner was also contracted with the Village to design the Village water main extension from 108th Avenue to Ravinia Avenue.  This design was completed and added to the IDOT construction plans.  Lochner is very familiar with the project site, the poor soils, wetland sites, and desire of the Village to make the path connections.


Lochner was hired by the Village to provide Phase I Engineering services.  They are in the final stages of completing the Phase I engineering and submitting to IDOT for approval.  The Village was able to secure federal funding for the Phase I engineering.  80% of the cost will be reimbursed back to the Village. 


Due to the timing of the 159th road reconstruction project staff is proposing to enter into a contract with H.W. Lochner to provide detailed construction plans and specifications.  These documents will be completed in 2018 with the intent that the Village will coordinate with IDOT the construction of the path utilizing the 159th contractor or bid the project with a completion timeframe of 2019 to coincide with the 159th project.  This would provide a complete path system along 159th and along 104th from Centennial Park to the Grasslands Forest Preserve.  During the design process the Village will request federal funding for construction and construction engineering through the Southwest conference of Mayors.  80% of the construction and construction engineering cost would be paid utilizing these funds.


Attached is the proposal from Lochner to provide construction drawings and specifications. The total fee not to exceed is $163,841.02 which will be paid 100% with Village funds.  The project will be invoiced monthly for the hours worked at the hourly rates provided.


On September 18, 2017 this item was reviewed by the Development Services Planning and Engineering Committee, recommeded for approval and send to the Village Board of Trustees for review.


Financial Impact

Sufficient funds are available in the FY 2017 budget.  Account 023-0000-470700, CP-1115.


Recommended Action/Motion

I move to approve a proposal from H.W. Lochner of Chicago, Illinois for the 104th Avenue Multi-Use Path (163rd to 159th) - Phase II Engineering Design Services in the amount not to exceed $163,841.02.