Wooded Path II Estates Subdivision - Proposals for Professional Tree Planting and Conservation Area Landscaping Services
The Village is currently holding a number of letters of credit for commercial properties and residential subdivisions with longstanding, unresolved landscaping issues. One example of such a property is Wooded Path II Estates, which is generally located at the southeast corner of 143rd Street and Claridge Court. Although the landscape plan for Wooded Path II was approved in 2011 and six subsequent landscape inspections have been performed, currently a large number of landscape issues related to tree planting and naturalized landscaping area still exist.
In trying to decide how to help accelerate conformance and approval of the landscaping at these problem sites, it was determined that developers would be offered a “final” punch list based on the dollar amount allocated to landscaping for a particular site’s letter of credit which detailed the work to be completed for final acceptance. Punch list would be created by the Village’s landscape consultant Planning Resources Inc. (PRI). The developer could then either a) complete the entire punch list by a set date or b) opt to have their letter of credit pulled by the Village. At that point, the Village would contract with a qualified contractor to complete the work.
In Wooded Path II Estates’ case, the developer proposed instead to provide the Village with a check for $26,971.88 on May 5, 2017, which represented the letter of credit amount associated with landscaping at Wooded Path II, under the condition that the Village release the developer's letter of credit. The Village agreed to these terms. Upon providing a cashier’s check, the Village released Wooded Path II’s letter of credit.
The landscaping punch list for Wooded Path II was divided into two categories: tree planting and conservation area landscaping. Forty-six (46) parkway and bufferyard trees were identified as missing on the punch list, while seven (7) conservation outlots, including three (3) detention ponds, needed a various level of naturalized landscape restoration or general maintenance. As the Village will maintain these conservation areas in perpetuity, it was imperative that these areas be brought up to an acceptable condition. Upon completion of this work, PRI will perform a final inspection and either report any additional work to be completed or recommend final project approval.
To complete the tree planting work, the Village requested a proposals from three different landscape consultants: Mid America Tree and Landscape Inc., Brancato Landscaping, Inc., and Jim Melka Landscaping. The lowest proposal amount for this work came from Mid America at $10,260, while Brancato proposed $13,035 and Melka Landscaping opted to not provide a proposal. As a result, the Village would like to engage the lowest qualified proposal, Mid America Tree and Landscape Inc., to provide tree planting services associated with the completion of outstanding landscape requirements for the Wooded Path II Estates subdivision.
To complete the consevation area landscaping work, the Village requested proposals from three different natural area landscape consultants: Pizzo and Associates, Ltd., V3 and Front Range Environmental. The lowest proposal amount for this work came from Pizzo at $13,029.00, while V3 proposed $16,525 and Front Range Environmental proposed $27,600. As a result, the Village would like to engage the lowest qualified proposal, Pizzo and Associates, Ltd., to provide naturalized landscaping services associated with the completion of outstanding landscape requirements for the Wooded Path II Estates subdivision.
Financial Impact
Funds for this work are available in Escrow Account 010-0000-223500. The current balance of this account is $26,971.88. The total cost for the full scope of work described above is an amount not to exceed $23,289.00. A balance of $3,682.88 would be kept until final project approval as contingency funds in case any unexpected work is required. Upon passing final inspection, any remaining balance will be deposited into the Tree Preservation and Green Infrastructure Account (# 010-0000-223100), where the funds will be used for Village tree preservation projects and/or green infrastructure projects.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to recommend to the Village Board of Trustees to approve the proposal from Mid America Tree and Landscape Inc. of Mokena, Illinois to provide tree planting services associated with the completion of outstanding landscape requirements for the Wooded Path II Estates subdivision in an amount not to exceed $10,260.00.
I move to recommend to the Village Board of Trustees to approve the proposal from Pizzo and Associates, Ltd. of Leland, Illinois to provide naturalized landscaping services associated with the completion of outstanding landscape requirements for the Wooded Path II Estates subdivision in an amount not to exceed $13,029.00.