Building Mechanical System Preventative Maintenance and Repairs - Contract Extension
On July 5, 2022, the Village Board approved the proposal from Midwest Mechanical Group LLC (“Midwest Mechanical”) via ITB 22-037 for Building Mechanical System Preventative Maintenance and Repairs (see 2022-0501). The project scope of work consists of providing the full spectrum of facility preventative maintenance services including inspections, maintenance, repair, and replacement of the heating, ventilating, air conditioning systems, subsystems, etc. Bidders were required to provide a fixed monthly compensation basis for performing preventive work for each asset identified in nine (9) areas. This fixed monthly compensation included the cost for material, equipment, and overhead that are required to perform the preventive maintenance as specified in the ITB. Contractors were also asked to provide separate costs for repairs to restore operation of these systems in the event of failure.
The approval of this contract was for a period of three (3) years (2022-2024) with the option to extend the contract for an additional two (2) years (2025-2026).
Based on the quality of service that Midwest Mechanical has demonstrated throughout the original contract period, Staff is requesting to proceed with the optional extension of the contract for an additional two (2) years (2025 and 2026). The yearly cost summary per ITB 22-037 is provided below:
Midwest Mechanical Group LLC
2022: $130,665.60
2023: $134,524.80
2024: $134,524.80
2025: $138,585.60 (optional year)
2026: $142,761.60 (optional year)
Additionally, as the roster of Village buildings has changed since 2022, an update to the Scope of Work where facilities work is to be perform is also needed. A summary of the proposed changes is provided below :
Original PM Maintenance and Repair Locations
AREA 1 - Metra Stations (143rd, 153rd, 179th)
AREA 2 - 143rd Parking Garage
AREA 3 - CPAC and Ice Rink (CPAC, Ice Rink, Hill Concessions)
AREA 4 - Village Center Campus (Village Hall, FLC, Civic Center and Rec Admin)
AREA 5 - Rec Buildings (Museum, Humphrey Concessions and George Brown Veterans Center)
AREA 6 - Police Department
AREA 7 - Public Works
AREA 8 - SportsPlex
AREA 9 - Pump Stations and Wellhouses
Revised PM Maintenance and Repair Locations
AREA 1 - Metra Stations (143rd, 153rd, 179th)
AREA 2 - 143rd Street Parking Garage
AREA 3 - Centennial Park Buildings (CPAC, Ice Rink, Hill Concessions)
AREA 4 - Village Center Campus (Village Hall, FLC, Civic Center, Rec Admin)
AREA 5 - Rec Buildings (Museum, Humphrey Concessions and New Veterans Center)
AREA 6 - Police Department
AREA 7 - Public Works
AREA 8 - SportsPlex
AREA 9 - Police Department Range and Athletic Operations Maintenance Facility
Facilities Removed
George Brown Commons, Utility Sites
Facilities Added
Police Department Firing Range and EOC, Athletic Operations Maintenance Facility
As the total number of facilities and assets has not substantially changed, the monthly cost to perform preventative maintenance for these Village facilities has not changed from the original ITB pricing as confirmed by discussions between Public Works and Midwest Mechanical Group staff and detailed on the attached “Revised Scope of Work“ and “Revised Building Mechanical System Preventative Maintenance Information”.
This agenda item is being considered by the Committee of the Whole and the Village Board of Trustees on the same night.
Financial Impact
Funding for Facility Preventative Maintenance and Repairs in FY2025 in the total amount of $250,000.00 is available in GL account 1008010-443200.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to recommend to the Village Board to approve and authorize the execution of Change Order #2 and Addendum B to the contract dated July 5, 2022, with Midwest Mechanical Group LLC for Facility Preventative Maintenance and HVAC Equipment Repairs and Maintenance for a change in scope of service locations, the addition of two (2) additional years (2025 - 2026) to the contract and increase the total not to exceed contract price by $281,347.20 from $459,753.54, for a new not-to-exceed contract price of $741,100.74.