File #: 2016-0626    Version: Name: Parking Fare Terminals - Annual Maintenance
File created: 8/31/2016 In control: Board of Trustees
On agenda: 9/19/2016 Final action: 9/19/2016
Title: Parking Fare Terminals - Annual Maintenance
Attachments: 1. Contract, 2. Total Parking Solutions - Signed Contract - Auto Parking Terminals Maintenance


Parking Fare Terminals - Annual Maintenance



In 2007, the Village of Orland Park purchased 14 Parking Fare Terminals from Total Parking Solutions, Inc. (TPS) for its three Metra commuter parking lots.  Upon paying a daily fee, the commuters are provided a printed receipt for their parking fee rather than leaving money in an honor box (prior system).  The commuter has the option of paying $1.50 each day or purchasing a pre-loaded value card, eliminating daily cash transactions.  The terminals are locked and money is secured; only cashiers can open the currency and coin boxes.  The terminals automatically print a receipt when the money boxes are exchanged; this provides staff with a balancing tool for currency and coins.  Monies are collected weekly from the Metra Lots and currency does not need to be unfolded prior to counting, reducing the time spent preparing the cash for a bank deposit. 


The terminals communicate (via Cale WebOffice 2) by sending e-mails directly to Village Staff (Finance Department and CSOs) when there is an issue or if maintenance needs to be provided (i.e. change receipt paper, bill jam, etc.).  The CSOs are able to log in via WebOffice and check individual spaces for payment using their smart phones.  WebOffice also provides CSOs with a listing of paid spaces making it easier to enforce. Staff is also able to use WebOffice for financial reporting. 


The Village also offers commuters the option of paying for their daily parking space using a credit or debit card from their smart phone once they are on the train.  This allows the commuter to be worry-free if they are unable to pay their daily fee prior to boarding the train.  The free application is offered by Passport who is working in conjunction with Total Parking Solutions.  There is a convenience fee of $0.37 for each transaction that the commuter pays.


In order to have the terminals maintained on a quarterly basis and serviced when needed, TPS currently charges a monthly per terminal maintenance fee of $115.   In addition, TPS currently charges a monthly fee for the terminals to be wirelessly connected to WebOffice in the amount of $65 per terminal.  The monthly maintenance fee is fixed for a one year period ending December 31, 2016; however, the provider of WebOffice (Cale) may pass along a price increase at any time.  As the Village's current contract with TPS expires on December 31, 2016, TPS has extended the 2016 pricing of $115/terminal/month for the next three (3) years (2017, 2018 and 2019).


On September 6, 2016, this item was reviewed by the Finance Committee, recommended for approval and referred to the Village Board of Trustees for consideration.


Financial Impact

The Commuter Parking Fund has funds available to cover this expense.


Recommended Action/Motion

I move to approve the annual service and maintenance fee for the Parking Fare Terminals provided by Total Parking Solutions, Inc. for a period of 3 years (2017-2019) and authorize the Village Manager to execute the contract.