Hooklift Truck - Purchase
The 2015 Fiscal year budget includes the purchase of one (1) replacement dump truck for the Public Works Utilities Division. In fiscal year 2013, the Public Works Department purchased three (3) vehicles equipped with a hook lift system and various bodies that can be switched on and off for different tasks throughout the Village. Rush Truck Center of Northern Illinois based in Huntley, Illinois was the recent bid awardee for the three units previously purchased. The manufacturer of the Chassis (International Trucks) has allowed the dealer, Rush Truck Center, to use the same discount pricing currently being bid to the State of Illinois CMS, allowing Rush Truck Center to quote competitively to local municipalities for their Truck needs. Pricing to the Village of Orland Park will be equivalent to the current lowest bidder for the State of Illinois CMS contract in the 2015 calendar year. The quote provided by Rush Truck Center for a 2016 International Truck Chassis Model 7400 SBA 4x2 (SA625) is $80,102.00.
The actual hooklift equipment will be repurposed from an existing Utility Division truck. The chassis of that truck has reached the end of its useful life. The equipment installation on the International chassis’ was previously performed by the factory authorized Stellar Hook lift dealer, Bonnell Industries Inc. of Dixon, Illinois. Bonnell has provided a quote to install the equipment on the new 2016 model year chassis and can provide the quality & standardization necessary for the replacement. The Vehicles & Equipment Division staff recommends awarding Bonnell Industries Inc. the equipment installation phase of the replacement truck at a cost of $81,879.66.
On July 6, 2015, this item was reviewed and approved by the Public Works Committee and referred to the Board for approval.
Financial Impact
Funds are available in account# 031-6002-470200 for the replacement of asset# V0058 a 1995 CF7000 in the Utilities Division. The cost of the replacement is $ 38,018.34 under the budgeted amount.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve to the Village Board to waive the bid process;
Approve awarding the purchase one (1) International Truck Chassis Model 7400 SBA (4x2) from Rush Truck Center of Northern Illinois based in Huntley, Illinois, in an amount not to exceed $80,102.00.
Approve awarding the Hooklift Installation to Bonnell Industries Inc. of Dixon, Illinois, in amount not to exceed $81,879.66.