File #: 2017-0056    Version: Name: Potable and Surface Water Sample Testing - Proposal
File created: 1/30/2017 In control: Board of Trustees
On agenda: 2/20/2017 Final action: 2/20/2017
Title: Potable and Surface Water Sample Testing - Proposal
Attachments: 1. Water Sampling - Quote, 2. Hickory Creek - Quote


Potable and Surface Water Sample Testing - Proposal



In order to ensure safe drinking water in the Village, the IEPA requires the Village to draw samples from the potable water system and have them lab tested for disinfection by-products; more specifically, Total Trihalomethenes (TTHM’s), Haloacetic Acid (HAA’s), and Lead and Copper testing.


The Village has used Suburban Laboratories, Inc. of Hillside, Illinois to perform water quality testing for many years on a regular and as-needed basis. Samples are drawn quarterly by Village staff at specified locations throughout the Village. Suburban Laboratories is the only certified laboratory in the area that can perform TTHM/HAA testing. The cost this year for testing potable water for TTHM’s/HAA’s will not exceed $4,800.


The IEPA also mandates that as a water provider, the Village must perform lead and copper testing every three (3) years. The Village of Orland Park is required to perform lead and copper testing in 2017. The cost this year for testing lead and cooper will not exceed $750.


The Village also participates with the Hickory Creek Watershed Planning Group Committee (HCWSC) to draw surface water samples from two (2) streams tributary to the Hickory Creek Watershed. In addition, in order to establish a baseline for future projects, samples are drawn from three (3) other streams relating to other watersheds located within the Village. The water is tested for chloride, E. Coli, total nitrates and total suspended solids.


The HCWSC also has an agreement with Suburban Laboratories to provide testing services for HCWSC members. The cost for testing surface water samples for the two (2) locations from the Hickory Creek watershed is being absorbed by the HCWSC. Suburban Laboratories has agreed to provide the same pricing to the Village for its sampling of 3 additional areas. Samples are drawn from the creeks by Village staff multiple times throughout the year depending on the season. The cost for surface water testing will not exceed $4,800.


On February 6, 2017, this item was reviewed and approved by the Public Works Committee and referred to the Board for approval.


Financial Impact

Adequate funding is available in Account 031-6002-432990 and 031-6007-432990 for these testing services.


Recommended Action/Motion

I move to approve accepting the proposals from Suburban Laboratories, Inc. of Hillside, IL for potable and surface water sample testing at a cost not to exceed $10,350.00.