SportsPlex Phase 1 HVAC Energy Savings Contract and Improvements - Proposal
The Sportsplex at 11351 W. 159th Street was opened in 2003. Over the past few years, the staff of the Sportsplex has received many complaints from patrons about temperatures during their workouts throughout the year. Due to the open areas of the Sportsplex and large window areas, the temperatures are difficult to maintain. Village staff installed small ceiling fans and attempted to adjust temperatures to no avail. Alternatives including window tinting were also considered.
In November 2014, the Village sought proposals from qualified Energy Services Companies (ESCOs) to conduct an investment grade audit of Village facilities and to implement an Energy Performance Contract. In June 2015, the board approved the authorization of CTS Group to conduct Investment Grade Audit of Village facilities. CTS surveyed many of the Village facilities and provided recommendations to reduce energy consumption and maintenance costs.
CTS provides a turnkey solution including engineering with architectural fees/permits/drawings, project management and subcontractor work completion. The CTS Group completed several recommended upgrades and conversions for the first phase of energy savings at village facilities.
In July 2018, village staff requested an evaluation to improve the comfort levels from CTS Group of Chicago, Illinois, the village’s preferred energy performance contractor. CTS Group presented village staff with recommendations and assisted with prioritizing and estimates for phasing the improvements.
In November 2018, staff requested a more detailed recommendation and proposal for phase 1 improvements to the existing HVAC system at the SportPlex to a more energy efficient system.
CTS Group has provided a proposal for Phase 1 upgrades at a not to exceed the amount of $805,685.00. The scope of work includes replacement of roof top unit (RTU) - 1 with a larger and more energy efficient model; replacement of eleven (11) variable air volume (VAV) boxes; upgraded switchgear for all RTU’s; replacement of six (6) ceiling fans with more efficient destratification fans; and the installation of doors between the walking track and gymnastics room to better control heating and cooling loads.
This project is expected to take up to three (3) months to complete. CTS Group has worked closely with Recreation Department staff to coordinate the work into three (3) sections, and still maintain public access to the majority of the equipment. Each section will require varied temporary walls to cordon off the spaces and maintain a safe work and public environment.
On December 17, 2018, this item was reviewed by the Public Works Committee and recommended for approval and referred to the Village Board of Trustees for consideration.
Financial Impact
Funding for this work is available in the FY2019 Capital Operating budget account #010-1700-443100.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve accepting the proposal for the SportsPlex Phase 1 HVAC Energy Savings Contract and Improvements from CTS Group of Chicago, Illinois in a not-to-exceed the amount of $805,685.00.