File #: 2016-0845    Version: Name: Fernway Subdivision Roadway and Ditch Grading Improvements 2016 - Amend Scope of Work
File created: 11/30/2016 In control: Board of Trustees
On agenda: 12/19/2016 Final action: 12/19/2016
Title: Fernway Subdivision Roadway and Ditch Grading Improvements 2016 - Amend Scope of Work
Attachments: 1. Explanation letter, 2. (PO 16-002289) Pay Application, 3. Final Invoice


Fernway Subdivision Roadway and Ditch Grading Improvements 2016 - Amend Scope of Work



The pavement in Fernway Subdivision was originally constructed in the early 1960’s.  At that time, the unincorporated roadways were constructed as rural cross sections, well below Village standards. The Village has spent considerable resources maintaining these roadways since annexing the area over 40 years ago. Proper storm water conveyance was impeded in the area because ditches were filled in or had not been properly maintained. To mitigate both the pavement issues and the stormwater conveyance issues, the Fernway Subdivision project is designed to complete roadway reconstruction and ditch regrading. Our pavement management consultant, Applied Research Associates (ARA), recommended that Fernway roadways receive full pavement reconstruction to include ribbon curbs to support the pavement edge. Due to the scale of work and anticipated construction costs, this multi-year project is planned to be completed over a nine-year period, depending on available funding.  On July 5, 2016 the Village Board approved a contract with P.T. Ferro Construction Company of Joliet, Illinois in the amount of $937,959.10 for the 2016 portion of project. The current 2016 (Year 1) project, includes the completion of 167th Place (88th Avenue east to Village limit) and a section of Robinhood Drive (167th Street to 171st Street).


Additionally, the Board awarded a contract to Baxter & Woodman to provide required phase II & III engineering services for the first segment of this multi-year road improvement project. Prior to the Baxter & Woodman award, the Village engaged Christopher B. Burke Engineering (CBBEL) to design and engineer roadside drainage ditch grading improvements.  Both plan sets were incorporated as the Fernway Subdivision Roadway and Ditch Grading Improvements 2016 bid package.


During the cutting and grading of the ditches for the Fernway project, it was discovered that many of the culvert pipes under residential driveways were severely deteriorated and warranted replacing.  Replacing the culvert pipes would be integral to the proper conveyance of stormwater through the newly graded ditches. Additionally, the planned 8’ wide ditch grading became impractical due to the steep grade differential of the side slopes. 


In order to restore the graded ditches to a condition that residents would be expected to maintain (gently sloping ditches), the ditch side slopes were widened to a maintainable 3:1 slope.  The additional culvert pipe installations, ditch grading and required sod restoration exceeded the contracted total in the amount of $123,822.02.


It is staff's recommendation to amend the scope of work with P.T. Ferro Construction Company of Joliet, Illinois for the 2016 Fernway Subdivision Roadway and Ditch Grading Improvements to include the installation of additional culvert pipes, ditch grading and sod restoration in the amount of $123,822.02 for a total project budget of $1,061,781.12. Because these items were storm water related, the additional work will be funded by the Public Works’ Storm Water Fund. 


The pavement reconstruction portion of the project was completed within the anticipated budget.


On December 5, 2016, this item was reviewed and approved by the Public Works Committee and referred to the Board for approval.



Financial Impact

Funds for this work are available in the Water and Sewer Underground Water & Sewer account 031-6007-470500.


Recommended Action/Motion

I move to approve amending the scope of work with P.T. Ferro Construction Company of Joliet, Illinois for the 2016 Fernway Subdivision Roadway and Ditch Grading Improvements to include the installation of additional culvert pipes, ditch grading and sod restoration in the amount of $123,822.02.