2025 CPAC Slide Preventative Maintenance
Implementing an annual preventative maintenance program for the seven (7) slides and one (1) play feature located at the Centennial Park Aquatic Center (CPAC) has been a long-term objective of the Public Works Department. In 2022, Public Works established an annual Slide Preventative Maintenance program, wherein the slide maintenance contractor completes preventative maintenance services on all slides prior to the start of the pool season.
Annual preventative maintenance on pool slides is key to extending the life of each slide and ensures ideal slide performance and safety for patrons. The preventative maintenance scope of work includes the repair of scratches on the slides, repainting metal surfaces, caulking joints, as well as the cleaning and waxing of the slide interiors.
In previous years, the Village has coordinated this work through the original slide manufacturer WhiteWater West Industries LTD (“WhiteWater”), who in turn subcontracted this work to Baynum Amusement Solutions (“Baynum”). This work was issued to WhiteWater West Industries LTD as a sole source due to meeting manufacture specifications. In lieu of contracting this work through WhiteWater in 2025, Public Works acquired a proposal directly from Baynum as sole source proposal since they knew the manufacture specifications and it eliminates the markup from WhiteWater West Industries. A summary of the proposal from Baynum is provided below:
Baynum Proposal Summary
80 Hour Preventative Maintenance Package: $46,640.00
For comparison purposes, Public Works also requested a proposal from WhiteWater for the same preventative maintenance scope of work as Baynum provided. WhiteWater’s proposal of $42,622.00 included only sixty-four (64) hours of maintenance for an average of $666/hour, which includes the markup. Alternatively, Baynum’s proposal included eighty (80) hours for $46,640.00, or $583/hour, which will result in a more thoroughly completed project.
As such, the Public Works Department is requesting approval of the proposal from Baynum Amusement Solutions for 2025 Slide Preventative Maintenance for an amount not to exceed $46,640.00. A contingency of $5,000.00 is requested to address change orders made necessary by circumstances not reasonably foreseeable at the time the proposal was signed, for a total contract price not to exceed $51,640.00.
Financial Impact
The FY2025 budget includes funding for Slide Preventative Maintenance and Repairs in the amount of $85,000.00 in GL account 2008010-443150.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve the waiver of the competitive bid process and authorize the approval and execution of a vendor contract with Baynum Amusement Solutions for CPAC Slide Preventative Maintenance based on Baynum Amusement Solutions’ proposal A-12101 dated January 8, 2025, for a cost of $46,640.00 plus a contingency of $5,000.00 for a total not-to-exceed contract price of $51,640.00;
Authorize the Village Manager to execute all related contracts subject to Village Attorney review;
Authorize the Village Manager to approve change orders not to exceed the contingency amount.