WHEREAS, the Illinois General Assembly has approved legislation to increase the Illinois minimum wage to $15.00 per hour over five years and has sent the legislation to Governor Bruce Rauner for approval; and
WHEREAS, the current state’s minimum wage of $8.25 per hour was established in 2011 and has lagged behind inflation and productivity growth since the 1960s; and
WHEREAS, seven Nobel laureates in economics have stated that an increase in the minimum wage will not lead to fewer jobs; and
WHEREAS, the Village President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Orland Park, in opposition to the Cook County Ordinance regarding the minimum wage, determined to amend the Village Code to provide that village employers must comply with federal and/or state laws and regulations regarding minimum wage thereby “opting out” of Cook County Ordinance No. 16-5768; and
WHEREAS, the village’s opposition to Cook County’s mandated minimum wage was the unfair burden placed on only Cook County employers thereby putting these employers at a competitive disadvantage compared to businesses in adjoining counties; and
WHEREAS, there is wide-spread bipartisan support for raising the minimum wage and, in fact, the majority of Orland Park voters supported an increase in the state’s minimum wage in a state-wide November, 2014, referendum; and
WHEREAS, it is a matter of simple fairness that workers receive a living wage for an hour’s work based on overall wage levels in this economy.
NOW, THEREFORE, Be it Resolved by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Orland Park, Cook and Will Counties, Illinois, a home rule municipal corporation, as follows:
The Village of Orland Park hereby expresses its support of the Illinois General Assembly’s legislation to increase the Illinois minimum wage (Senate Bill SB0081) to $15.00 per hour over the next five years, and urges Governor Bruce Rauner to approve the legislation thereby increasing the minimum wage in Illinois.
Certified copies of this Resolution be filed with the offices of Governor Bruce Rauner, Speaker of the House Michael Madigan, House Minority Leader Jim Durkin, Senate President John Cullerton and Senate Minority Leader Christine Radogno.