File #: 2017-0074    Version: Name: Professional Weather Services - Expenditure Approval
File created: 2/1/2017 In control: Board of Trustees
On agenda: 2/20/2017 Final action: 2/20/2017
Title: Professional Weather Services - Expenditure Approval
Attachments: 1. Agreement


Professional Weather Services - Expenditure Approval



The Village has used professional weather prediction and monitoring services from Telvent DTN since 1998. Until recently, these services where provided via a satellite dish, which downloaded data into computer servers shared by various departments. Telvent has since been acquired by Schneider Electric and has moved to an on-line, Internet based service.


Services from Schneider Electric DTN include Public Safety specific, real-time information such as street level storm cell location and tracking, street level lightning strike locations, and advanced notice of severe weather conditions. The Public Works Department utilizes the Transportation edition which includes features such as fully customizable weather data for the Village, real-time weather conditions and radar, road pavement forecasts and road treatment recommendations.


These services are also used to display live weather information in the Public Works Command Room, Police Department Supervisors Office and Emergency Operations Center.


Staff is recommending extending the weather services from Schneider Electric in 2017 for Public Works, and Police, and an additional license to be used at the new Parks Administration Building. 


On February 6, 2017, this item was reviewed and approved by the Technology, Innovation and Performance Improvement Comittee and referred to the Board for approval.


Financial Impact

Funds have been budgeted in FY 2017 for Online Weather Services. Billing is performed on a quarterly basis. Budget line item is 010-1600-442850.


Recommended Action/Motion

I move to approve the purchase of weather services from Schneider Electric of Omaha, Nebraska in an amount not to exceed $5,856.