Main Street District Traffic/Parking Consultant Services - Addendum #1
Kimley-Horn and Associates was retained in 2014 by the Village to assist with traffic and parking review of the Main Street District as development is proposed. Kimley-Horn and Associates completed a preliminary parking and traffic analysis of the Main Street District.
As development interest in this area continues to grow, it is imperative that the Village has the ability to review various proposals as it relates to parking and traffic. With Kimley-Horn’s knowledge of the area and potential developments, staff is recommending they continue to work with the Village as part of the overall design team.
The main scope of work at this time will be to attend meetings, review preliminary documents and provide input on parking and traffic needs. The cost for these services is not to exceed $4,500. Attached is the Addendum #1 Agreement and Scope.
On September 15, 2014, this item was reviewed by the Development Services, Planning and Engineering Committee, recommended for approval and referred to the Village Board of Trustees for consideration.
Financial Impact
There are funds available in the Capital budget TIF fund under professional consulting services.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve amending the current contract with Kimley-Horn and Associates of Chicago, Illinois in the amount not to exceed $4,500 for the Main Street District Traffic/Parking Consultant Services.