File #: 2016-0818    Version: 0 Name: 15221 Cottonwood Court Geothermal Project - Board Report
File created: 11/23/2016 In control: Board of Trustees
On agenda: 12/19/2016 Final action: 12/19/2016
Title: /Name/Summary 15221 Cottonwood Court Geothermal Project
Attachments: 1. Plat of Survey
15221 Cottonwood Court Geothermal Project


15221 Cottonwood Court Geothermal Project
2016-0818 (see 2016-0748 for Original Reports)

Dhaval Patel

The purpose of this petition is to install and maintain a residential geothermal heat pump renewable energy system at the private residence of 15221 Cottonwood Court.

Requested Actions: Appearance Review (Environmental Clean Technology Review)

Project Attributes
Address: 15221 Cottonwood Court

P.I.N.(s): 27-18-104-043-0000

Size: 23,040 SF

Comprehensive Plan Planning District: Centennial Planning District
Comprehensive Land Designation: Single Family Residential
Existing Zoning: R-1 Residential District
Existing Land Use: Single Family Home

Surrounding Land Use:
North: R-1 Residential District - Single Family Home
South: R-1 Residential District - Single Family Home
East: R-1 Residential District - Vacant
West: R-1 Residential District - Single Family Home

Preliminary Engineering: N/A. The engineering of geothermal renewable energy systems are regulated through state licensing criteria.

The petitioner proposes to install a geothermal renewable energy system in the front yard of the single family home at 15221 Cottonwood Court, located in the Arbor Pointe Subdivision. Geothermal renewable energy systems boost building heating and cooling performance for higher efficiencies and lower utility costs. In the summer, geothermal systems act as heat sinks to cool buildings via the constant temperature of the Earth (typically 55 degrees at depth). In the winter, the systems channel the Earth’s constant temperature (again typically 65 degrees at depth) to provide a heating boost to the structure. As a result, heating and cooling mechanical systems are not required to operate as much to attain desired heating and cooling levels since the Earth is providing a 65 degree base line temperature for the building.


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