Plant Replacements/Improvements for Median, ROW and Metra Landscaping Beds
Following routine site inspections (see attached spread-sheet) it has been determined that several locations are in need of plant replacements and/or plant additions. Staff solicited proposals from our current contracted vendor Christy Webber Landscapes for the additional work in the landscaping beds. Christy Webber maintains the medians and right of ways for the Village. The cost for the Metra properties will total $3,560. The total cost for the medians and the ROW will be $26,523.00. Christy Webber has provided a great service and beautiful end results with our plantings and landscaping. Clean-up of each site will include removal of dead plantings and pruning to ensure proper form, and installation of specified services (i.e. specific plants, pulverized topsoil, sod, materials) at each site.
On October 1, 2018, this item was reviewed by the Parks & Recreation Committee, recommended for approval, and referred to the Village Board of Trustees for consideration.
Financial Impact
Funding is budgeted and available in the assigned accounts to cover the additional work to the specified locations.
Funds for Median and ROW in the amount of $26,523.00.
Funds for Metra work in the amount of $3,560.00
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve the replacement of dead plants and improvements in the specified locations in the Medians, ROW and Metra locations to our current landscaping vendor Christy Webber Landscapes in an amount not exceed $30,083.00.