Stellwagen Farm Lease
Mr. Stellwagen has once again approached the village and the Stellwagen Family Farm Foundation about rental.
In this area, farm leases are generally rented on a dollar amount per farmed acre per year. The Village Attorney has updated the farm lease to include a payment of $125.00 per tillable acre (approximately 45 acres). The terms and conditions of this lease agreement match those of the previous agreement. The Stellwagen Family Farm Foundation has requested that the $5,625 generated from this agreement go to the fund that maintains the farm.
Attached is the agreement drafted by the Village Attorney for your review and consideration. The term of this agreement is for the period of one (1) year commencing March 1, 2014 and expiring February 28, 2015.
Financial Impact
Additional $5,625 to the Stellwagen Family Farm Foundation fund
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve the farm lease agreement with James Stellwagen for the year 2014.