Knowbe4 Cyber Security and HR Training Software
Starting in 2019 the Village contracted with Knowbe4 for cyber security training and phishing tests. Per Illinois law, all municipal staff must attend an approved cyber security training and Knowbe4 meets this requirement. Besides cyber security training, Knowbe4 provides monthly phishing tests and additional cyber security training for anyone that fails the phishing test. Both the cyber security training and the phishing tests are reported in the Village's annual cyber security insurance information.
In 2023, HR moved the HR compliance training from Impact Compliance to Knowbe4. The HR compliance training includes the mandated sexual harassment training and bloodborne pathogens training. Combining cyber security training and HR compliance training resulted in a cost savings of $5,500 per year.
Financial Impact
The cost from Knowbe4 for the cyber security training and HR compliance training is $25,500 and is below the 2024 budgeted amount.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve the purchase of Knowbe4 cyber security and HR compliance training software for one year for a cost of $25,500;
Authorize the Village Manager to execute all related contracts subject to Village Attorney review.