File #: 2016-0480    Version: Name: Renewal for the Code Red Emergency Notification
File created: 6/28/2016 In control: Board of Trustees
On agenda: 7/18/2016 Final action: 7/18/2016
Title: Renewal for the Code Red Emergency Notification
Attachments: 1. Invoice


Renewal for the Code Red Emergency Notification



The Code Red Emergency Notification System annual service is due for renewal. Staff is requesting approval in the amount of $20,967.75 for this service effective June 1, 2016 to May 31, 2017.


CodeRED is an ultra high-speed voice communication service for emergency notifications. The system allows us to call all or targeted areas of the village in case of an emergency or urgent situation that requires immediate attention. Our contract also allows us to use the system for general or non-emergency notifications. The Code Red system uses a phone number database to contact residents and businesses within the village with a voice message, and will also dispatch and email message and/or text message to residents and businesses that provide this additional information when they register.


The annual cost of the system is $0.75 per household or business and includes unlimited calls. The contact list feature is $150 annually and is used by the public works department to call out snow fighting teams and contractors.


On July 5, 2015, this item was reviewed by the Technology, Innovation and Performance Improvement Committee, recommended for approval and referred to the Village Board of Trustees for consideration.



Financial Impact

$21,000.00 is budgeted for the Code Red Emergency Notification annual service.



Recommended Action/Motion


I move approve the Code Red Emergency Notification System Service for a period of one year at a cost not to exceed $20,967.75.