RFP 18-033 - Orland Park Nature Center Building Renovation Architect
The Nature Center site improvements are currently under construction, with an anticipated completion date of October 31, 2018. The existing building’s rehabilitation will be the next step, as the Village moves forward to a fully operational Nature Center. The building is intended to serve indoor functions for the proposed Village Nature Center, and will serve small public groups and Village staff for projects, workshops, and other educational and recreational activities as well as storage of materials for activities and maintenance of the grounds. The existing 3,000 square foot building was constructed in 2003. Overall the structure of the building appears to be sound, subject to further Architect review, however the interior of the building is in poor condition, not inhabitable, and will require a complete renovation.
On July 6, 2018, the Village issued a Request for Proposals (RFP 18-033 - Orland Park Nature Center Building Renovation) for an Architect to evaluate, design, and prepare Permit and Construction Plans for the renovation of the existing building on the Nature Center site; and to provide bid assistance and construction administration and observation services. Proposals were due on August 6, 2018. The Village received qualifying proposals from five architectural firms.
The five proposal prices ranged from a low of $48,275 to a high of $177,500, plus optional LEED certification. The submitted proposal met all basic Village RFP requirements to qualify. A Selection Committee, which was comprised of Village staff, interviewed the firms with the three lowest proposal prices. The Committee included the Development Services Director, two Planners, and the Building Division Manager. The updated totals below reflect proposal corrections per Village request.
1. Robert Juris and Associates Architects, total price: $48,275 (U...
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