143rd Street Widening, Wolf Road to Southwest Highway, Phase II - Final Design Engineering Services, Contract Amendment, Change Order #2 and Addendum B
On July 5, 2022, the Village Board awarded the Phase II - Final Design Engineering Services contract for the 143rd Street widening from Wolf Road to Southwest Highway to TranSystems Corporation (prime engineering consultant). At the time, construction funding for the project was not established or secured. Therefore, several required engineering services were removed from TranSystems's contract (refer to staff report #2022-0487). Since then, construction funds are secured/established for the roadway section from Southwest Highway to West Avenue. The funding sources include $7 million from U.S. Congress (Community Funded Projects program), $1.5 million from CMAP (Surface Transportation Projects (STP), $2 million commitment from IDOT, and remaining construction funds provided by the Village of Orland Park. The Engineering Department is proactively and persistently applying for available state and federal grants for the remaining sections of the 143rd Street widening.
The current design schedule for the Southwest Highway to West Avenue widening shows that the project is expected to be on IDOT project letting in late 2026 and construction in 2027 to 2028. This contract amendment provides the remaining design elements required to complete this project. These include:
1. Permits
2. Metra Parking Lot - Limited redesign and construction of Metra lot to meet Metra's requirements. These including Survey, Preparation of Contract Plans, and Construction Management
3. Coordination, meeting and public outreach with various government agencies
4. Project funding assistance for 2026 and 2027
5. Contract and engineering document separation from Southwest Highway to West Avenue and West Avenue to Wolf Road
6. Plats and legals for the entire project from Southwest Highway to Wolf Road
7. Right-of-Way (...
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