File #: 2015-0572    Version: Name: 147th Street and Ravinia Avenue Roundabout Phase II Engineering Design Services
File created: 9/10/2015 In control: Board of Trustees
On agenda: 10/5/2015 Final action: 10/5/2015
Title: /Name/Summary 147th Street and Ravinia Avenue Roundabout Phase II Engineering Design Services
Attachments: 1. Ravinia PH II Draft Agreement 8-25-15
147th Street and Ravinia Avenue Roundabout Phase II Engineering Design Services

As part of the FY 2013 Budget, the Village Board approved the engineering for a roundabout at 147th Street and Ravinia Avenue. The intersection currently operates as an all-way stop control. A roundabout at this location has been contemplated by the Village for a number of years to improve traffic flow as well as providing an opportunity for the Village to aesthetically enhance the intersection. The Village has secured funding from the Southwest Conference of Mayors (SCM) for all phases of this project.

On May 24, 2013, the Village issued a Request for Qualifications (RFQ). Eleven submittals were received on June 10, 2013. Based on the criteria in the RFQ, the submittals were evaluated, rated and three firms were selected for an interview - Strand Associates, HR Green and Baxter & Woodman. Upon completion of the interviews, Strand Associates of Joliet Illinois was deemed as the best qualified engineering firm for the scope of services requested.

Strand Associates has completed the Phase I Engineering Report which was approved by IDOT and the FHWA on May 8, 2015. As part of the federal design and construction process, the next step is to complete Phase II Engineering. Phase II Engineering includes land acquisition, a detailed plan, specification and estimate development for bidding and construction.

After finalizing the scope and negotiating a fee with Strand Associates, staff recommends bringing forward the Phase II engineering scope and fee for approval. The fee for these services is $168,099.69 of which 70% is reimbursable through the SCM.

The project will be invoiced monthly for the hours worked at the hourly rates provided.

On September 21, 2015, this item was recommended for approval by the Development Services Planning and Engineering Committee and referred to the Village Board of Trustees for consideration.

Financial Impact

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