File #: 2018-0341    Version: Name: Elevated Tank 8 (15501 Park Station Blvd.) - Corral (Railing) Installation
File created: 5/15/2018 In control: Board of Trustees
On agenda: 6/4/2018 Final action: 6/4/2018
Title: Elevated Tank 8 (15501 Park Station Blvd.) - Corral (Railing) Installation
Attachments: 1. Chicago SMSA Site Proposal, 2. Wireless Communication Facilites Policy, 3. Concept Plan
Elevated Tank 8 (15501 Park Station Blvd.) - Corral (Railing) Installation

The Village has seven elevated tanks. Elevated Tank 8 is currently the only water tower that does not have a cellular provider. As outlined in the “General Policy for Co-locating Wireless Communication Facilities (WCF) on Village-Owned Property” there are three opportunities, or stages, for adding cellular antennas to an elevated tank. Stage 1 is the placement of a single pod on the top of the tower. Stage 2 involves stacking the second pod. Currently, elevated tank 1 is the only location with stacked pods. Stage three is the installation of a railing or corral around the top of the tower. When a pod is added, existing municipal antennas are relocated to the top of the pod. In many instances, interference occurs between the numerous, tightly clustered antennas.

The installation of a corral provides fall protection for personnel and secure mounting options for future cellular carriers and equipment. In addition, it also provides an opportunity to better disperse existing municipal antennas, minimizing potential interference. The Village is currently working on engineering for the rehabilitation to elevated tank 5 at Wheeler Drive and Harlem Avenue. The new design plans for tank 5 and all future tower rehabilitations would consist of installing a corral around the top of the tank for antenna installation.

At staff’s request, the petitioner, Verizon Wireless, is proposing to install a stage 3 colocation atop elevated tank 8 to support the proposed Verizon Wireless antenna array at 15501 Park Station Boulevard. The proposed stage 3 colocation will override the stage 1 and stage 2 colocations. The installation of the corral by Verizon would be at no cost to the village. The corral would have been added as part of a future tank rehabilitation project completed at village expense.

On May 21, 2018, this item was reviewed by the Public Works Committee and recommended for appro...

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