University of Illinois - Master Gardener Lease Agreement Extension 2015 - 2017
The University of Illinois Cooperative Extension Services Master Gardener Program is currently leasing 618 square feet of space in the Cultural Arts Center building, located at 14750 Park Lane. The lease period is from November 1, 2013 thru October 31, 2015 at an annual rent rate of twelve dollars ($12.00). The Master Gardener program is requesting a two-year extension on the lease agreement. At any time during the Lease Term, the Village may terminate this Lease Agreement effective three (3) months following written notice form Landlord to Tenant.
The Master Gardener program has partnered with the Village to expand access to research based information through the Master Gardener Volunteer program. They have contributed to village publications; answered homeowner gardening questions; participated in the Garden Walk and Farmers Market; worked with Special Recreation when the kids clean up; and planted flowers in the courtyard at the Cultural Arts Center in addition to providing pots for planting. This has been a wonderful partnership over the past several years. Residents have received their assistance and enjoyed the benefits of having this resource in our community.
Financial Impact
Revenue of $12.00 per year for two (2) years.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve a two (2) year lease agreement extension with the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois.