Police Department Gym Flooring Replacement Project
Guided by the 2022 "Facilities Condition Assessment", the Public Works Department has been working on carpeting replacement projects at various Village buildings, including the Civic Center, Orland Park Health and Fitness Center, FLC, SportsPlex, Public Works, Veteran’s Center and Village Hall. Public Works has worked with Midway Flooring, Inc., which participates in Sourcewell Contract #080819, on many of these flooring projects. By all accounts, the staff from Midway Flooring have provided excellent customer service and high-quality installation services.
As such, Public Works requested proposals from Midway Flooring, Inc. to complete the replacement of the gym flooring in the Police Department Fitness Room (“Police Department Gym Flooring Replacement Project”). The existing flooring is original to the facility and extremely malodorous. The submitted proposal is based on Sourcewell Contract #080819. A plan showing the location of the flooring replacement areas is attached for reference, and a summary of the proposal price is provided below:
Proposal Summary
Midway Flooring: $42,749.13
Based on the provided co-op (Sourcewell) proposal price and company qualifications, staff recommends approving the proposal from Midway Flooring for $42,749.13. A contingency of $2,250.87 is requested to address change orders made necessary by circumstances not reasonably foreseeable at the time the proposal was signed, for a total contract price not to exceed $45,000.00.
Financial Impact
Funding in the amount of $45,000.00 was budgeted for this project in FY2025 in account 3008010-570100.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve the waiver of the competitive bid process in lieu of participation in joint purchasing cooperative Sourcewell pursuant to Contract #080819 and authorize the approval and execution of a vendor contract with Midway Flooring, Inc. for the Police Department Gym Flooring Replacem...
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