I-80 and Wolf Road Interchange - Concept Study Professional Engineering Services
The Village of Orland Park is interested in determining the feasibility of adding a new freeway interchange at I-80 and Wolf Road intersection. The land north of I-80 is in the Village of Orland Park's jurisdiction and the land south of I-80 is under the jurisdiction of the Village of Mokena. With LaGrange Road being the only north-south major arterial connecting the Village to I-80, additional roadway capacity is needed to meet future travel demands. The Village of Orland Park's 2040 Transportation Plan states "opening a Wolf Road/I-80 interchange is recommended as it would provide an alternate for north-south travel as well as reduce east-west travel demand west of LaGrange Road". Additionally, a new interchange would provide development opportunities along the I-80 corridor within the Village of Orland Park. This interchange improvement is classified as a high priority project in the Village of Orland Park's plan but it is understood that it will be a long-term project moving forward.
The Village of Orland Park requested a proposal from V3 Companies (V3) for professional engineering services associated with the preparation of a concept feasibility study for the I-80 and Wolf Road Interchange. Details of V3 services are included in the attached exhibit. It is important to note that this concept feasibility study does not follow the formal Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) Access Justification Report (AJR) process and will most likely not be formally reviewed by IDOT or the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). However, village staff and V3 will meet with IDOT representatives prior to beginning the feasibility study to confirm study approach and methodology. Upon completion of the study, the team will meet with IDOT to review and incorporate any feedback provided by various stakeholders including IDOT. It is anticipated that any work compl...
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