Village Hall Window Replacements
A request was made to Public Works to replace seven (7) non-operable exterior windows at Village Hall.
The new operable windows would look identical to the existing exterior windows and not alter the appearance of Village Hall. Based the complexity of matching existing windows, three quotes were obtained instead of putting the work out for bidding. This provided the Village assurance that the project costs were fair and reasonable for the scope.
A summary of the proposals received are provided below:
Proposal Summary
S&J Doors: $60,991.00
Arlington Glass: $68,045.00
Frontier Systems: $69,312.00
Financial Impact
While this project was not budgeted for, funding is available in GL account 1008010-570100 at this time. If money is need in 4th quarter for operating expenses, a budget adjustment will likely need to be requested to offset this expense.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to waive the bidding process and approve the proposal from S & J Doors, Inc. for the installation of windows at Village Hall for an amount not to exceed $60,991.00;
Authorize the Village Manager to execute all related contracts subject to Village Attorney review.