143rd Street Plat of Highways - Creek Crossing Drive to Compton Court
Since late 2012, Village staff, with the assistance of Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. (CBBEL) under its general engineering contract with the Village, worked with IDOT and the FHWA on modifications to the Phase I report for Segment 2 (Will/Cook to Wolf Road). These included but were not limited to, noise analysis update, traffic volume update, and intersection design study update for Will/Cook Road and 143rd Street. The Village received Phase I Design approval from IDOT on May 16, 2013 for Segment 2.
CBBEL is currently working on the detailed construction plans and specifications for Segment 2. As part of this work, permanent easements to build and maintain the improvements have been identified. Attached is an exhibit that illustrates the area between Creek Crossing Drive and Compton Court that requires the permanent easement.
To expedite the Phase II engineering process, staff is recommending CBBEL prepare a plat to include these easements. The Village will use the plat information to discuss the project and proposed easements with the property owners. Once accepted the plat will be recorded with the County.
On September 21, 2015, this item was reviewed by the Development Services Planning and Engineering Committee, recommended for approval and referred to the Village Board of Trustees for consideration.
Financial Impact
There are sufficient funds in account #010-2004-432800 for 143rd Street Plat of Highways - Creek Crossing Drive to Compton Court.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve a proposal from Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. of Rosemont, Illinois for the 143rd Street Plat of Highways - Creek Crossing Drive to Compton Court in the amount not to exceed $25,075.97.