Freedom of Information Management System
The Village PIO has been using WebQA, Inc’s, GovQA a web based application since 2016. The application has improved the staff’s ability to monitor, track, and reporting FOIA requests.
The application has improved the response time as noted below and allows for more complete, consistent and accurate reporting results.
There have been a total of 1,389 requests received since January 1, 2016. Of those requests, 1,326 have been processed using the WebQA/GovQA FOIA web based application service. The remaining 63 requested were processed manually before the application was in use in 2016.
WebQa/GovQa FOIA service metrics:
• A total of 147 Commercial requests have been received with the average close time of 16.04 days. (21 business days are allowed)
• A total of 1,179 Non-Commercial requests have been received with the average close time of 2.15 days. (5 business days are allowed)
On January 3, 2017, this item was reviewed and approved by the Technology, Innovation and Performance Improvement Committee and referred to the Board for approval.
Financial Impact
The annual subscription costs for FY 2017 is $7,500 and funds are available in the FY 2017 budget.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve the funding of the FOIA application GovQA Invoice Number 1134-161201, out of Woodridge, IL in an amount not to exceed $7,500.