Parkview Subdivision Stage 2 Phase II Engineering - Proposal
On August 18th, 2014 the Village Board approved the Parkview Stage 2 Drainage Improvements, Phase I engineering. Stage 2 improvements include the construction of an additional detention basin to store storm water runoff from other areas tributary to Parkview Estates Subdivision. The new basin is tentatively proposed to be constructed on Village property near Evergreen View Park. A conveyance pipe will be added from the Caro Vista pond to the new detention facility. The Caro Vista Subdivision is also part of the original flood study. The Stage 2 improvements will also reduce the risk of flooding in that area.
Construction of the Stage 1 Drainage Improvements is expected to begin in the coming weeks. Stage 1 improvements include the improvement and construction of additional pipes to convey undetained storm water from unincorporated Palos Township to the detention basin within Parkview subdivision. Additionally, it will include modifications to the outlet control structure to more efficiently manage the water elevation.
Christopher B. Burke Engineering, LTD. of Rosemont, Illinois, (CBBEL) has provided a proposal for the Parkview Subdivision Stage 2 Phase II Engineering in an amount not to exceed $65,400. The Phase II engineering will include preliminary engineering, plat of easements, MWRD coordination, permitting, final engineering and bid assistance.
On October 6, 2014, this item was reviewed and approved by the Public Works Committee and referred to the Board for Approval.
Financial Impact
There are sufficient funds in the FY14 Water Fund Capital Budget account 031-6007-470500 for this project.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve accepting the proposal from Christopher B. Burke Engineering, LTD. of Rosemont, Illinois for Parkview Estates Subdivision Stage 2 Drainage Improvements (Phase II Engineering) in an amount not to exceed $65,400.